Work meaning in hindi
As noun : अँटना Ex: She returned to work after an interval of about half an hour.
अंगढ़ग Ex: She instructed the students to work on their pronunciation अकामता Ex: i work as accountant. अकारना Ex: charcoal burner related work in railway. अड़ु लना Ex: He has done the work nicely. अध्यययन Ex: The children did the dictionary making work with gusto. असर करना Ex: Imperfection in his work made him to lose his job. आजीविका Ex: He does the work which is solicism for him. उ: पर्यटन तथा मत्स्यव्यापार यहाँ के वासियों की मुख्य आजीविका है। आसादन Ex: The manager delegated the work to his subordinate. इतमान Ex: He does his work unprofessionally. उजवना Ex: He did his work unsystematically. उझंटना Ex: Do not work imprudently. उपकारण Ex: tranquilly she went on with her work उरेहनापु Ex: We work on weekdays in the office. उल्लुंठन Ex: Management is art of getting work done from others ऐडमिनिस्ट्रेशन Ex: They are doing their work in a wishy-washy way. कम करा कर लेना Ex: The work was done according to his instructions. कम्म Ex: Mathematics was never my forte.
Hard work should be every bodys forte. करना Ex: It takes many people to work in the farm. उ: हालांकि ऐसा करना अनिवार्य नहीं है। करम Ex: He prefers to work in his fields during the holidays. उ: करम गीत गाते समय मांदर बजाया जाता है। करमचंद Ex: He despises the people he has to work for. करमता Ex: His work preoccupies him कराम Ex: paid work कर्तव्य Ex: She does all her work warily उ: अब शारीरिक सेवा और श्रम केवल शूद्रों का कर्तव्य नहीं माना जा सकता। कर्म Ex: She does all his work secretively without involving anyone. उ: यही कारण है की गुरमत कर्म कांड के विरुद्ध है। कर्मचेष्टा Ex: I was drowned in work कर्मशाला Ex: Please, dont linger on with the work any more. उ: औद्योगीकरण के पूर्व कर्मशाला ही निर्माण की प्रमुख जगह हुआ करती थी। कलाकृति Ex: will this work in practice? उ: यह कलाकृति और राहत का एक हिस्सा भी है जैसे विजयनगर खंडहर। काम करा कर लेना Ex: One should work for the preservation of biological diversities bestowed touse by nature. काम लेना Ex: Tourist officers work for tourist. काम Ex: I presuppose that you have done your work उ: काम कहो , पता नही कहां भाग जाते है । कामविहंता Ex: He has been asked to finish this work today. कामु Ex: Her work shows great promise. कारि Ex: The factorys work has been constrained due to workers strike. कार्मिक्य Ex: She is doing social work for the rest-home. कार्य करना Ex: He was doing the work negligently. कार्य करवाना Ex: He foisted his work on me कार्यस्थल Ex: he dealt with his course work casually उ: मध्यदेश, अनेक जैन आचार्यों का कार्यस्थल रहा था। किबो Ex:
Design a better mouse trap.
This room is not designed for work किबो Ex:
Design a better mouse trap.
This room is not designed for work कियावर Ex: Leo Tolstoys work is memorable. किरतब Ex: Kalidasas trilogy are an important work in the sanskrit literature. किरतब Ex: Kalidasas trilogy are an important work in the sanskrit literature. कृति Ex: We went about our work despite strike. उ: सगीतचूड़ामणि जगदेकमल्ल द्वितीय की कृति थी। कृत्य Ex: he did his work negligently उ: आपके इस कृत्य से एक निर्दोष को सज़ा मिली है। कोहकुनी Ex: To work with boss with loyalty. क्रित्त Ex: A.G.Gardeners work is enriched with verbiage खं Ex: After postgraduation she will do research work in the university. खड़ना Ex: he did his work pensively. खाड़ेती Ex: He elaborated and presented his work before the guide. खेती करना Ex: He did his work slowly and calmly. गंसना Ex: She instructed the students to work on their pronounciation. गच्छाना Ex: Our work is proceeding apace. गणना करना Ex: I like to work in this institute of Information Technology. गाँठना Ex: I work best in the morning. गुंफ Ex: Women work on egalitarian principles. गुणकर्म Ex: His work has contributed new information on a difficult problem. घुमाना Ex: This work has been finely done. घोँपना Ex: Do not do this work stupidly. चरणचार Ex: Please do your work in perpetuation. चर्य Ex: We should do our work ourselves. चलना Ex: She wants to do her work personally. चलाना Ex: We engaged ourselves in social work during vacation. चल्लना Ex: The work was done neatly. चित्या Ex: He tackles the work efficiently. चूर्ण बनाना Ex: He allocated the work between Fred and George . चेराइपु Ex: He boozes it up every Friday after work . छरभार Ex: All our work went for nothing . जातिव्यवसाय Ex: The masons went to work on repairing the wall . जिघत्सा Ex: The surgeons went to work on the patient . जिहान Ex: As I expected, he left work early again . झटकना Ex: Todd was out of work for almost a year . टुरन Ex: The boss piled on the work this week . ठटनि,ठटनी Ex: Nothing resulted from all that work . ठोलना Ex: I don't want to be saddled with your work . डगराना Ex: I am behind in all my work . डड़ियाना Ex: Well, I've finished all my work . ढालना Ex: All this work has tuckered me out . तजवीज Ex: Mary is up to her ears in her work . तैयार करना Ex: You have to work around the piano . दस्तोपा Ex: This will work itself out . दैवगति Ex: This medicine just doesn't work on me . दौड़धूप Ex: I can't work in all of you . धंधु Ex: We will work together on this and enjoy it more . धन्धा Ex: Let me work with him for a while . धरपना Ex: I'm starting work on a new job next Monday . धालना Ex: All the work zonked him out . नप्स Ex: Those labourers work in a factory . नषाना Ex: Deriving his ideas from Nietzsche’s work निपाना Ex: When the work was restored in 1993 निर्मानकार्य Ex: OneCommunity's work attracted the attention of Intel and in mid-2005 निर्मिति Ex: Lévi-Strauss published what is for many people his most important work नौकरी करना Ex: Edison hired Tesla to work for his company Edison Machine Works. नौकरी Ex: Others who anticipated the work of Lavoisier include Joseph Black उ: इसी बीच भारतीय ज्ञानपीठ में नौकरी लग गई। नौकर्म Ex: While in government work पदक्रम Ex: Together, their work now represents पदविक्षेप Ex: His major work was the Decameron परिगम Ex: Galileo's theoretical and experimental work on the motions of bodies परिश्रम Ex: Zrínyi's most significant work उ: यह शिक्षाविदों और परिश्रम के संयोजन के एक मॉडल पर निर्मित था। पर्बंध Ex: With Necho's death work was discontinued. पादन्यास Ex: At first the domains of work of a few पापनाशन Ex: Morley went to work permanently for the School पैझना Ex: As his later work proved प्रतिक्रिया Ex: When Mendel's work was rediscovered in 1900 उ: इसके बाद लोगों कि मिली जुली प्रतिक्रिया मिली। प्रत्याकरण Ex: In 1935 he began work at the National Resources Committee प्रबंध Ex: M. S. Swaminathan, in 1987, for his work in India. उ: यह प्रबंध का ही रूपांतर है। प्रभाव डालना Ex: Prussia, where he began work on ''Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg''. प्रयत्न करना Ex: His most famous work is quite probably Gargantua and Pantagruel. प्रयास करना Ex: Keith began work on his next album How Do You Like Me Now at Mercury प्रवंद Ex: Ptolemy's other main work is his Geographia. प्रवाच्य Ex: The work is a significant part of the early history of optics. प्रस्थावा Ex: Games are generally distinct from work प्राप्त करना Ex: According to Vladimir Basilov and his work Chosen By the Spirits ब Ex: Since Bernstein had never conducted the work before बनवना ‡पु Ex: While Dylan continued to work for Columbia बनाना Ex: The work is more often performed today with more than one to a part. उ: ये तपोधन आपको अपनी तपस्या का सहायक बनाना चाहते हैं। बनावना Ex: In his work Pragmatism बाँहना Ex: Consequently, all polymerases work in a 5′ to 3′ direction. बिंटना Ex: For about six months, their work went relatively unnoticed. बिक्रि करना Ex: Thomas Auld then sent Douglass to work for Edward Covey बिरत Ex: The work was soon being performed "throughout German-speaking Europe" बुनना Ex: His work here is said to have impressed both Queen Anne and her government बेवसाय Ex: In his work Mishneh Torah of 1178 भौँराना Ex: Through the work of leading theoretical physicists मिलना Ex: In his work Mishneh Torah of 1078 उ: इसका पश्चिमी उत्तर अमेरिका में मिलना लगभग न के बराबर है। मुचाना Ex: This work was included in the "Handbook of Gastric Diseases" मुरकाना Ex: Although most of the work had been carried out by 1860 मुलाजिमत Ex: Their work was accepted in early medieval Bulgaria and continued by St. मुसाहबत Ex: It's the best work she has done to date". मुसाहवी Ex: Humans began to work bones मूर्च्छन Ex: The actors had to work alongside numerous puppets मेलापन Ex: , also in 1943. In 1983, Dante publicly distanced his work from earlier films. यन्ट्र रचना Ex: One audience for archaeologists' work is the public. रंदना Ex: It includes much fictional archaeological work रचना Ex: Through the work of twentieth century philosophers such as Elizabeth Anscombe उ: इसकी रचना के समय के बारे में कई मतभेद हैं। रालना Ex: Austen completed her work about a year later. रुप देनाएना Ex: His work during this period explored his most important themes रुपायन Ex: At the end of the work ललित कला Ex: He later commented that "she had a small talent," but as work progressed लाति Ex: Based on the reactions of other scientists to her work लाधनापु Ex: Much of this work is summed up in the Athanasian Creed. लाना Ex: As Walt Disney Productions began work on Disneyland उ: इसका उद्देश्य दक्षिण-दक्षिण सहयोग की कार्यवाही में गति लाना था। लेखन कार्य Ex: With the work of the Committee of Nine during Reconstruction लेखन Ex: Many others work for government contractors उ: लेखन के लिए उन्होंने मन्नू नाम का चुनाव किया। ल्यावना Ex: Many editions of the latter work वयन Ex: The Wealth of Nations was Smith's most influential work वयुन Ex: Smith's work organized their ideas comprehensively वर्षणि Ex: This work was completed in August वस्क Ex: As a result of his work विचेष्टित Ex: His work greatly influenced the Bauhaus विछाडना Ex: The work was done by the Sonderkommando prisoners विजृंभित Ex: This work was important for Hemingway विधानविधि Ex: After the work of James Clerk Maxwell विनिर्मिति Ex: As a wider variety of writers began to work with cyberpunk concepts विप्रयाण Ex: As a wider variety of writers began to work with cyberpunk concepts वृधसानु Ex: When his work was copied and transferred to Europe through Latin translations वृधसानु Ex: When his work was copied and transferred to Europe through Latin translations वेष्य Ex: In the meantime, Monahan had secured work on two Warner Bros. शक्मा Ex: Adams' posthumously published work श्रमविभाग Ex: His work was in Pashto and in Dari language श्रांति Ex: Just days after beginning work on the Quba Mosque सँचरना Ex: Rumi's work are written in the new Persian Language. संकल्पज Ex: Mahmud Farshchian has created a work entitled “Shams and Rumi”. संचालन करना Ex: This work showed that संप्रवर्त्तन Ex: Influenced by the work of James Clerk Maxwell सखुनसाजी Ex: Ó Rathaille belongs as much to the 18th as the 17th century and his work सत्कला Ex: These include Thomas Kinsella , whose early work was influenced by Auden. सन्नहन Ex: Cædmon's only known surviving work is Cædmon's Hymn सन्निवेश Ex: No other independent accounts of Cædmon’s life and work are known to exist. सन्निवेश Ex: No other independent accounts of Cædmon’s life and work are known to exist. सफल होना Ex: The work was not entirely original समासादन Ex: Thompson temporarily relocated to Hawaii to work on a novel समुज्जृंभण Ex: Performing useful work सरजाना Ex: The last such work was Saraband सरजाना Ex: The last such work was Saraband सरबराही Ex: In the same year Camus began to work for Paris-Soir magazine. सरविस Ex: Pynchon began to work on his first novel. सर्जना Ex: His next published work सारवना Ex: This was further underpinned by the work of Justus von Liebig सियाक Ex: Jean-François Champollion greatly expanded on this work सिरखपी Ex: Thomas Hobbes' most famous work is titled Leviathan सिरजन Ex: Capital could work more efficiently सुल्झाना Ex: Soho House, is now a museum, commemorating the work of both men. सूटना Ex: This work predates the name "game theory" सूत्रवेष्टन Ex: Unusually for a work of this period सेवावृत्ति Ex: His first known signed and dated work is Architectural Capriccio . सौचुक्य Ex: There are many examples of his work in other British collections स्त्रीधर्म Ex: In addition to his television work हँड़वाना Ex: After returning home from work हँड़ाना Ex: The possible exchanges of work हँढ़ावना Ex: Metallica chose to work with producer Rick Rubin हल करना Ex: Through Żółkiewski's work हलाकत Ex: In 1677, Newton returned to his work on mechanics, i. हेराफेरी Ex: He resumed work on his theory of species in 1854
Hard work should be every bodys forte. करना Ex: It takes many people to work in the farm. उ: हालांकि ऐसा करना अनिवार्य नहीं है। करम Ex: He prefers to work in his fields during the holidays. उ: करम गीत गाते समय मांदर बजाया जाता है। करमचंद Ex: He despises the people he has to work for. करमता Ex: His work preoccupies him कराम Ex: paid work कर्तव्य Ex: She does all her work warily उ: अब शारीरिक सेवा और श्रम केवल शूद्रों का कर्तव्य नहीं माना जा सकता। कर्म Ex: She does all his work secretively without involving anyone. उ: यही कारण है की गुरमत कर्म कांड के विरुद्ध है। कर्मचेष्टा Ex: I was drowned in work कर्मशाला Ex: Please, dont linger on with the work any more. उ: औद्योगीकरण के पूर्व कर्मशाला ही निर्माण की प्रमुख जगह हुआ करती थी। कलाकृति Ex: will this work in practice? उ: यह कलाकृति और राहत का एक हिस्सा भी है जैसे विजयनगर खंडहर। काम करा कर लेना Ex: One should work for the preservation of biological diversities bestowed touse by nature. काम लेना Ex: Tourist officers work for tourist. काम Ex: I presuppose that you have done your work उ: काम कहो , पता नही कहां भाग जाते है । कामविहंता Ex: He has been asked to finish this work today. कामु Ex: Her work shows great promise. कारि Ex: The factorys work has been constrained due to workers strike. कार्मिक्य Ex: She is doing social work for the rest-home. कार्य करना Ex: He was doing the work negligently. कार्य करवाना Ex: He foisted his work on me कार्यस्थल Ex: he dealt with his course work casually उ: मध्यदेश, अनेक जैन आचार्यों का कार्यस्थल रहा था। किबो Ex:
Design a better mouse trap.
This room is not designed for work किबो Ex:
Design a better mouse trap.
This room is not designed for work कियावर Ex: Leo Tolstoys work is memorable. किरतब Ex: Kalidasas trilogy are an important work in the sanskrit literature. किरतब Ex: Kalidasas trilogy are an important work in the sanskrit literature. कृति Ex: We went about our work despite strike. उ: सगीतचूड़ामणि जगदेकमल्ल द्वितीय की कृति थी। कृत्य Ex: he did his work negligently उ: आपके इस कृत्य से एक निर्दोष को सज़ा मिली है। कोहकुनी Ex: To work with boss with loyalty. क्रित्त Ex: A.G.Gardeners work is enriched with verbiage खं Ex: After postgraduation she will do research work in the university. खड़ना Ex: he did his work pensively. खाड़ेती Ex: He elaborated and presented his work before the guide. खेती करना Ex: He did his work slowly and calmly. गंसना Ex: She instructed the students to work on their pronounciation. गच्छाना Ex: Our work is proceeding apace. गणना करना Ex: I like to work in this institute of Information Technology. गाँठना Ex: I work best in the morning. गुंफ Ex: Women work on egalitarian principles. गुणकर्म Ex: His work has contributed new information on a difficult problem. घुमाना Ex: This work has been finely done. घोँपना Ex: Do not do this work stupidly. चरणचार Ex: Please do your work in perpetuation. चर्य Ex: We should do our work ourselves. चलना Ex: She wants to do her work personally. चलाना Ex: We engaged ourselves in social work during vacation. चल्लना Ex: The work was done neatly. चित्या Ex: He tackles the work efficiently. चूर्ण बनाना Ex: He allocated the work between Fred and George . चेराइपु Ex: He boozes it up every Friday after work . छरभार Ex: All our work went for nothing . जातिव्यवसाय Ex: The masons went to work on repairing the wall . जिघत्सा Ex: The surgeons went to work on the patient . जिहान Ex: As I expected, he left work early again . झटकना Ex: Todd was out of work for almost a year . टुरन Ex: The boss piled on the work this week . ठटनि,ठटनी Ex: Nothing resulted from all that work . ठोलना Ex: I don't want to be saddled with your work . डगराना Ex: I am behind in all my work . डड़ियाना Ex: Well, I've finished all my work . ढालना Ex: All this work has tuckered me out . तजवीज Ex: Mary is up to her ears in her work . तैयार करना Ex: You have to work around the piano . दस्तोपा Ex: This will work itself out . दैवगति Ex: This medicine just doesn't work on me . दौड़धूप Ex: I can't work in all of you . धंधु Ex: We will work together on this and enjoy it more . धन्धा Ex: Let me work with him for a while . धरपना Ex: I'm starting work on a new job next Monday . धालना Ex: All the work zonked him out . नप्स Ex: Those labourers work in a factory . नषाना Ex: Deriving his ideas from Nietzsche’s work निपाना Ex: When the work was restored in 1993 निर्मानकार्य Ex: OneCommunity's work attracted the attention of Intel and in mid-2005 निर्मिति Ex: Lévi-Strauss published what is for many people his most important work नौकरी करना Ex: Edison hired Tesla to work for his company Edison Machine Works. नौकरी Ex: Others who anticipated the work of Lavoisier include Joseph Black उ: इसी बीच भारतीय ज्ञानपीठ में नौकरी लग गई। नौकर्म Ex: While in government work पदक्रम Ex: Together, their work now represents पदविक्षेप Ex: His major work was the Decameron परिगम Ex: Galileo's theoretical and experimental work on the motions of bodies परिश्रम Ex: Zrínyi's most significant work उ: यह शिक्षाविदों और परिश्रम के संयोजन के एक मॉडल पर निर्मित था। पर्बंध Ex: With Necho's death work was discontinued. पादन्यास Ex: At first the domains of work of a few पापनाशन Ex: Morley went to work permanently for the School पैझना Ex: As his later work proved प्रतिक्रिया Ex: When Mendel's work was rediscovered in 1900 उ: इसके बाद लोगों कि मिली जुली प्रतिक्रिया मिली। प्रत्याकरण Ex: In 1935 he began work at the National Resources Committee प्रबंध Ex: M. S. Swaminathan, in 1987, for his work in India. उ: यह प्रबंध का ही रूपांतर है। प्रभाव डालना Ex: Prussia, where he began work on ''Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg''. प्रयत्न करना Ex: His most famous work is quite probably Gargantua and Pantagruel. प्रयास करना Ex: Keith began work on his next album How Do You Like Me Now at Mercury प्रवंद Ex: Ptolemy's other main work is his Geographia. प्रवाच्य Ex: The work is a significant part of the early history of optics. प्रस्थावा Ex: Games are generally distinct from work प्राप्त करना Ex: According to Vladimir Basilov and his work Chosen By the Spirits ब Ex: Since Bernstein had never conducted the work before बनवना ‡पु Ex: While Dylan continued to work for Columbia बनाना Ex: The work is more often performed today with more than one to a part. उ: ये तपोधन आपको अपनी तपस्या का सहायक बनाना चाहते हैं। बनावना Ex: In his work Pragmatism बाँहना Ex: Consequently, all polymerases work in a 5′ to 3′ direction. बिंटना Ex: For about six months, their work went relatively unnoticed. बिक्रि करना Ex: Thomas Auld then sent Douglass to work for Edward Covey बिरत Ex: The work was soon being performed "throughout German-speaking Europe" बुनना Ex: His work here is said to have impressed both Queen Anne and her government बेवसाय Ex: In his work Mishneh Torah of 1178 भौँराना Ex: Through the work of leading theoretical physicists मिलना Ex: In his work Mishneh Torah of 1078 उ: इसका पश्चिमी उत्तर अमेरिका में मिलना लगभग न के बराबर है। मुचाना Ex: This work was included in the "Handbook of Gastric Diseases" मुरकाना Ex: Although most of the work had been carried out by 1860 मुलाजिमत Ex: Their work was accepted in early medieval Bulgaria and continued by St. मुसाहबत Ex: It's the best work she has done to date". मुसाहवी Ex: Humans began to work bones मूर्च्छन Ex: The actors had to work alongside numerous puppets मेलापन Ex: , also in 1943. In 1983, Dante publicly distanced his work from earlier films. यन्ट्र रचना Ex: One audience for archaeologists' work is the public. रंदना Ex: It includes much fictional archaeological work रचना Ex: Through the work of twentieth century philosophers such as Elizabeth Anscombe उ: इसकी रचना के समय के बारे में कई मतभेद हैं। रालना Ex: Austen completed her work about a year later. रुप देनाएना Ex: His work during this period explored his most important themes रुपायन Ex: At the end of the work ललित कला Ex: He later commented that "she had a small talent," but as work progressed लाति Ex: Based on the reactions of other scientists to her work लाधनापु Ex: Much of this work is summed up in the Athanasian Creed. लाना Ex: As Walt Disney Productions began work on Disneyland उ: इसका उद्देश्य दक्षिण-दक्षिण सहयोग की कार्यवाही में गति लाना था। लेखन कार्य Ex: With the work of the Committee of Nine during Reconstruction लेखन Ex: Many others work for government contractors उ: लेखन के लिए उन्होंने मन्नू नाम का चुनाव किया। ल्यावना Ex: Many editions of the latter work वयन Ex: The Wealth of Nations was Smith's most influential work वयुन Ex: Smith's work organized their ideas comprehensively वर्षणि Ex: This work was completed in August वस्क Ex: As a result of his work विचेष्टित Ex: His work greatly influenced the Bauhaus विछाडना Ex: The work was done by the Sonderkommando prisoners विजृंभित Ex: This work was important for Hemingway विधानविधि Ex: After the work of James Clerk Maxwell विनिर्मिति Ex: As a wider variety of writers began to work with cyberpunk concepts विप्रयाण Ex: As a wider variety of writers began to work with cyberpunk concepts वृधसानु Ex: When his work was copied and transferred to Europe through Latin translations वृधसानु Ex: When his work was copied and transferred to Europe through Latin translations वेष्य Ex: In the meantime, Monahan had secured work on two Warner Bros. शक्मा Ex: Adams' posthumously published work श्रमविभाग Ex: His work was in Pashto and in Dari language श्रांति Ex: Just days after beginning work on the Quba Mosque सँचरना Ex: Rumi's work are written in the new Persian Language. संकल्पज Ex: Mahmud Farshchian has created a work entitled “Shams and Rumi”. संचालन करना Ex: This work showed that संप्रवर्त्तन Ex: Influenced by the work of James Clerk Maxwell सखुनसाजी Ex: Ó Rathaille belongs as much to the 18th as the 17th century and his work सत्कला Ex: These include Thomas Kinsella , whose early work was influenced by Auden. सन्नहन Ex: Cædmon's only known surviving work is Cædmon's Hymn सन्निवेश Ex: No other independent accounts of Cædmon’s life and work are known to exist. सन्निवेश Ex: No other independent accounts of Cædmon’s life and work are known to exist. सफल होना Ex: The work was not entirely original समासादन Ex: Thompson temporarily relocated to Hawaii to work on a novel समुज्जृंभण Ex: Performing useful work सरजाना Ex: The last such work was Saraband सरजाना Ex: The last such work was Saraband सरबराही Ex: In the same year Camus began to work for Paris-Soir magazine. सरविस Ex: Pynchon began to work on his first novel. सर्जना Ex: His next published work सारवना Ex: This was further underpinned by the work of Justus von Liebig सियाक Ex: Jean-François Champollion greatly expanded on this work सिरखपी Ex: Thomas Hobbes' most famous work is titled Leviathan सिरजन Ex: Capital could work more efficiently सुल्झाना Ex: Soho House, is now a museum, commemorating the work of both men. सूटना Ex: This work predates the name "game theory" सूत्रवेष्टन Ex: Unusually for a work of this period सेवावृत्ति Ex: His first known signed and dated work is Architectural Capriccio . सौचुक्य Ex: There are many examples of his work in other British collections स्त्रीधर्म Ex: In addition to his television work हँड़वाना Ex: After returning home from work हँड़ाना Ex: The possible exchanges of work हँढ़ावना Ex: Metallica chose to work with producer Rick Rubin हल करना Ex: Through Żółkiewski's work हलाकत Ex: In 1677, Newton returned to his work on mechanics, i. हेराफेरी Ex: He resumed work on his theory of species in 1854
As verb : अम्र Ex: It is a time-consuming work . आंतःपुरिक Ex: genetic history reconstructs the origins of a literary work कर्मचेष्टा Ex: I was drowned in work काँज Ex: There will be no need of buttering if you do the work honestly. काम करना Ex: Many seamstresses work in that butique. कारय Ex: he always rode the bus to work कारि Ex: The factorys work has been constrained due to workers strike. कारिज Ex: Why are you doing this work senselessly. कार्य Ex: Anne Besants work is based on theosophy. उ: कार्य अपने कारण का सार है। गलखाँसी Ex: Sweeping the home is the best work for a lady. डोलनि Ex: He was trained for factory work . निजामत Ex: Since most of the US Navy's work related training is on-the-job training बिहसनि Ex: Despite much analytical work विचेष्टित Ex: His work greatly influenced the Bauhaus वृधसानु Ex: When his work was copied and transferred to Europe through Latin translations वेष्य Ex: In the meantime, Monahan had secured work on two Warner Bros. वैतालिकव्रत Ex: For this work Ross received the 1902 Nobel Prize in Medicine. हुशकाई Ex: Monboddo and Samuel Clarke resisted elements of Newton's work हेतुमान् Ex: He now had a theory by which to work
Other : उद्यम Ex: Everybody has to work for a living. उ: मराठी और ओडिया में भी ज्ञानकोश रचने के उद्यम किये गये। उपाय करना Ex: This work is distinct. उबालना Ex: His work is topsyturvy. करम Ex: She found it very demeaning to work under their contract. उ: करम गीत गाते समय मांदर बजाया जाता है। कर्मचारी Ex: Seasonable work is always good. उ: उनके पिता सरकारी कर्मचारी थे और नागपुर इतवारी में आपका निवास था। कर्मशील Ex: He is not educated but gets his work done by diplomacy. कलाम Ex: His work depicts the professional touch. क़ारखाना Ex: Artisans work intrinsically on the artefacts . काज Ex: This work is tedious. काम करने का Ex: Freuds work stands at the crossroads between psychology and neurology काम होना Ex: He work as a veterinarian . कामकाज Ex: clerical work उ: समिति ने अपना कामकाज भी आरंभ कर दिया। कार Ex: He was reproved for not doing his work properly. उ: यहाँ एक कार व आटो में बम छिपाकर रखे गए थे। कारकुन Ex: He finishes the work quickly कारबार Ex: Navya dismissed critics of her work as philistines. काररवाई Ex: He immured himself in his room to work undisturbed. कार्य[भौतिक Ex: He always tries to fob me off from doing any important work in the office. क्रिया Ex: ramesh used to work as finlit on broker street. उ: इसे इस्टरीकरण क्रिया कहते हैं। गुण करना Ex: She did her work superlatively. ग्रन्थ Ex: She wants to do social work when she finishes college. उ: ये धार्मिक ग्रन्थ हैं तनख़, तालमुद तथा मिद्रश। चौकीदारी Ex: Clara dives into her work eagerly every morning . उ: इसी आन्दोलन के क्रम में बिहार में चौकीदारी कर देना बन्द कर दिया गया। चौधराई Ex: He f loated through his work that day . चौधराना Ex: I will have to get back to my work now . जोड़ना Ex: James doesn't really work full-time . उ: अंतर की कड़ी न जोड़ना चाहें तो खाली छोड़ दें। जोश में लाना Ex: Roger lives for his work . जोस में लाना Ex: Stop lolling around and get to work . धंधा Ex: I'm sure we can work it out . उ: इसके विपरीत बुनाई का धंधा अनेक छोटी जातियों ने अपना लिया है। परिश्रम करना Ex: Morley went to work for the School of American Archaeology in Sante Fe पैदा करना Ex: From the combined results of their work प्रभाव उत्पन्न करना Ex: The work emphasised the Christian elements of Chinese history प्रयत्न Ex: Mussolini's military experience is told in his work Diario Di Guerra. उ: इस दिशा में प्रयत्न किये गये। बूटा काढना Ex: D.C., in 1988, to work on his father's campaign for the U.S. presidency. मेहनत Ex: Dante credited this work for Gremlins' worldwide success. उ: उनकी मेहनत को बेचने की रणनीति अल्पावधि में बंद का भुगतान किया। व्यवसाय Ex: Some of his early work appeared on BBC2 in 1974 उ: गांव का मुख्य व्यवसाय खेती है। संपादन Ex: The Secretary is aided in his work by the Assistant Secretary of the Senate. उ: उन्होंने लगभग सौ ग्रंथों का संपादन किया।
Work ki paribhasha : kisi kaam ko chalaana sikara, mu्ri lagaakar ya baaandhakar baaandhakar milaana do bhinn bhinn padaarthon ka ek hona kai vastuon ya baaton ka ek men grnthan do vastuon ko sikara, milaakara, chipakaakar athava isi prakaar ke kisi aur upaay se ek karana vah jo kaaran ka vikaar ho athava jise lakshy karake karta kriya kare julaahon ki vah kriya jisase ve sooton ya taaron ki sahaayata se kapad taiyaar karate hain anushtup jaati ka ek chhnda, jisamen bis bis aksharon ke chaar charan hote hai taratib ya kram se rakhana gati ya kriya jo kisi prayatn se utpann ho
ExamplesUsage of Work in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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