Worship meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Worship
As noun : अकीदत Ex:  Muslims worship Allah.
अकीदा Ex:  Some tribals worship faun. अकीन Ex:  In a sanctuary people worship God. अपूज्य Ex:  They still worship according to the Armenian rite अर्चना Ex:  The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included animal sacrifices उ:   अर्चना आदि करायी जाती है। आकलना Ex:  Ancestor worship is a major religious theme shared among all Chinese religions. आराधनी Ex:  Their worship often centers around nadukkal उपसत्ति Ex:  Some evidence has been brought to light on prehistoric bear worship उपासना करना Ex:  As mosques are places of worship गुरुकार Ex:  Hindus perform their worship through icons . जाजना Ex:  Vaishnavas worship Vishnu as the supreme God नमस्यु Ex:  Shaivites worship Shiva as the supreme निषेवन Ex:  While the different styles of worship generally reflect the theological splits पर्येषण Ex:  Most Friends in the southern and central United States worship in this way. पूजा करना Ex:  A business meeting is a form of worship पूजा में शामिल होना Ex:  Quakers follow unprogrammed worship and are part of Britain Yearly Meeting पूजा Ex:  The worship of Shiva is a pan-Hindu tradition उ:   अमूर्तिपूजक - ये मूर्ति पूजा नहीँ करते। पूजापाठ Ex:  Such children's worship is often called Sunday school or Sabbath school . प्रणिघान Ex:  Liberal churches may use freely-structured or experimental forms of worship भकति Ex:  Many places of worship were also constructed during the colonial era. भक्तपन Ex:  It is a type of polytheism, and involves the worship of , spirits. भक्ति Ex:  The principal worship of kami is done at public shrines उ:   वे भक्ति तथा शक्ति के अद्वितीय संगम थे। मशरव Ex:  Non-Muslim groups can own their own houses of worship राधनी Ex:  There are over 1,000 places of worship within the city of Atlanta. वारिवस्या Ex:  Pockets of her worship remained in Christian Europe as late as the 6th century. शरधा Ex:  At Philae her worship persisted until the sixth century शां Ex:  He emphasized the importance of the worship of one God . श्रद्धा Ex:  No worship was allowed in the Jama Masjid for five years . उ:   इसके बाद श्रद्धा उत्पन्न की। श्रद्धान Ex:  and worship at the altar सपर्या Ex:  and worship before the altars at the altar समादर करना Ex:  By extension, Making idolatrous worship समादार Ex:  Ceremonies of Catholic worship समाप Ex:  Change worship सेवाबंदगी Ex:  Gesture worship हुब Ex:  Giving up, back, back to the worship of his fathers
As verb : सम्मान करना Ex:  Freedom of worship
Other : अर्चन पूजन Ex:  All the places of worship inside Vatican City are Catholic. अर्चन Ex:  40,301 with mainline Protestant houses of worship उ:   पृथ्वीधराचार्य का भुवनेश्वरी अर्चन पद्धति एक उत्कृष्ट ग्रंथ है। अर्चा Ex:  The view that all theists actually worship the same god आदर करना Ex:  It can even affect the worship we offer the true God, e. आदर Ex:  Tao is rarely an object of worship उ:   लोग अतिथि का स्वागत एवं आदर करते हैं। आदरना Ex:  This older worship was associated with Numa Pompilius उ:   उनका जन्म आदरना महल में हुआ था। आराधन Ex:  Its liturgical worship is performed in Macedonian. आराधना करना Ex:  It is also possible to worship objects or people while they are still living. आराधना Ex:  Cults of old deities were mixed with worship of new Christian saints उ:   ऐसे महाकाल शिव की आराधना का महापर्व है शिवरात्रि। इबादत Ex:  Christians believe worship is only properly given to God उ:   धार्मिक गात और संगीत इबादत की सूफी परंपरा का अटूट हिस्सा हैं। उपासन Ex:  Cathedrals and churches were not just places of worship उपासना Ex:  Even where ancestor worship is not found उ:   इसी से सब उसकी उपासना करते हैं। पर्युषण Ex:  During an unprogrammed meeting for worship बंदगी Ex:  The worship of Friends महिमा गाना Ex:  The Pathis earns more importance among the worship centres. महिमा Ex:  Ayyavazhi worship was marked by its simplicity. उ:   चक्रतीर्थ का बड़ी महिमा है। महिमाना Ex:  Worship of the Aten was replaced and worship of Amun-Ra was restored. मानसूचक पदवी Ex:  There were many local forms of worship वंदना Ex:  Women usually attend worship services wearing skirts or dresses उ:   वंदना ने डर्ट! नामक वृत्तचित्र में अभिनय किया है।
Worship ki paribhasha : niraahaar vrat rahana ek prakaar ki manovratti, jisamen kisi bade ya poojy vyakti ke prati bhaktipoorvak vishvaas ke saath uchch aur poojy bhaav utpann hota hai ishvar ya kisi devi devata ke prati shraddhaa, snmaana, vinay aur samarpan ka bhaav prakat karanevaala kaary vah vibhaag jo rekha dvaara kiya gaya ho
Usage of Worship in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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