Worthwhile meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Worthwhile
As noun : अतिग्रह Ex:  It is worthwhile to put the amount in the bank .
अनुरुप Ex:  It is worthwhile to look for the sources of such heroism". अनुहरत Ex:  It is a risky undertaking but in the end it is worthwhile अनुहारि Ex:  Say it is worthwhile being associated with the devil अभीजात Ex:  One is that behaviour is goal-directed and worthwhile . अर्ह्य Ex:  And ironically You where a beautiful operation, this is a fine operation, you have not done anything worthwhile आनुलोमिक Ex:  I gave him the book, he did nothing worthwhile उंच Ex:  In worthwhile also told People उपयुक्त Ex:  It is also said of the soul He is easily moved by what is just, generous, worthwhile उ:   स्रोतहीन सामग्री ज्ञानकोश के उपयुक्त नहीं है। औपयिक Ex:  This thing, this case is well worth thinking about it, we think it worthwhile , It is important and deserves to take time to deliberate कल्पिक छमनीय पारय प्रयोजनवान् प्राणाय्य प्राप्तरूप मौजूँ यथाप्रदिष्ट युक्तरूप संप्रयोजित सद्दश समुपयुवत सलिंग सुसंनत सेँमुष सोहरां
As adjective : कार्यकर लाभकर उ:   मूत्रवहसंस्थान-मूत्रकृच्छ्र में खजूर अत्यंत लाभकर है । लाभप्रद उ:   सुबह-शाम केले का सेवन भी लाभप्रद होता है।
Worthwhile ki paribhasha : upayog men laaya hua
Usage of Worthwhile in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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