Worthy meaning in hindi
As noun : अकल्कल Ex: The student is worthy of praise for his hard work.
अजिह्म Ex: It was a performance worthy of note. अतिग्रह Ex: There was nothing worthy of remark in the puppet show. अनुरुप Ex: Their only worthy alternative was the religious life. अनुहरत Ex: Manuel was further extolled by Robert of Clari as a "a right worthy man अनुहारि Ex: When the family of Charles ceased to produce worthy heirs अभिसंमत Ex: Gandhi nevertheless explains that he never felt worthy of the honour. अभीजात Ex: And because his father was most worthy and I was very attached to him अर्चनोय Ex: Russell proved he was worthy of his MVP award अर्ह्य Ex: On the whole, the Exemplary Novels are worthy of the fame of Cervantes आदरणीय Ex: A blame worthy Action उ: अपने कर्मों के कारण ही कोई आदरणीय बनता है। आदृत्य Ex: A son worthy of such a father आनुलोमिक Ex: A worthy magistrate आर्यश्वेत Ex: A worthy son of his father ईमानदार Ex: Actions worthy of immortality उ: यह पत्र अपने ईमानदार व तेज-तर्रार रिपोर्टिंग के लिए प्रसिद्ध था। उंच Ex: Apostolic zeal, zeal worthy of the time of the Apostles, etc उड्डामर Ex: be worthy of an island, of a city, etc उपयुक्त Ex: Carthage was the rival of Rome, the worthy rival of Rome उ: नये तालाब के निर्माण हेतु उपयुक्त स्थल का चयन। औपयिक Ex: elect the most worthy कल्पिक Ex: Getting someone worthy of kindness छमनीय Ex: In the midst of all this, it remains worthy of esteem निष्प्रपंच Ex: In this occasion, nothing was more worthy than his conduct नेक Ex: It also expresses the character of what is appropriate for a man of that which is worthy of a man उ: वह बहुत ही नेक एवं अच्छा राजा था। पारय Ex: It also means Judging commendable find worthy of esteem प्रयोजनवान् Ex: It also means Who is worthy to be famous by the legend प्रविख्यात Ex: It is a choice worthy of you प्राणाय्य Ex: It is a worthy man Faith प्राप्तरूप Ex: It is not worthy of living बंदारु Ex: It is not worthy of this place, this job बुजरग Ex: It is worthy to speak माननीय व्यक्ति Ex: It means even in this job, Who is worthy of sympathy for his character, his behavior मिस्सर Ex: It proved worthy of the tiara मुबारक Ex: It still means Who is poor, which is not out of the ordinary, which is little worthy of its kind, and also said, in this meaning, the things of the spirit मौजूँ Ex: It still means Who is worthy of a man Free यथाप्रदिष्ट Ex: It was a subject worthy of his genius, a company worthy of his courage युक्तरूप Ex: It was worthy of a better fate लायक Ex: MANLY still means Who is worthy of a man who is firm, strong उ: अहमदाबाद में घूमने लायक कई स्थल हैं। विलक्षण व्यक्ति Ex: museum piece, Rare and curious, worthy of inclusion in a Museum शुद्धधी Ex: of both genders who is not worthy of something श्रीमत् Ex: of both genders who is worthy of ridicule, mockery श्लक्ष्ण Ex: of both genders who is worthy of veneration, respect संप्रयोजित Ex: One thing worthy of note सजीदा Ex: ROYAL still means Who is worthy of a King सत्यपर,सत्यपरायण Ex: Story of actions, events, memory worthy things सद्दश Ex: The blindness of the mind is also worthy of compassion than the body सप्रतीश Ex: The state where these poor people are reduced is compassion, is worthy of compassion सभाज्य Ex: This bishop is a worthy prelate समुपयुवत Ex: This deserves no credence, is not worthy of debt सलिंग Ex: This is a man worthy of death, Death सिद्दीक Ex: This is worthy of consideration सुयोग्य Ex: Two worthy rivals of each other उ: हम भारत का सुयोग्य नागरिक बण्न का वास्ता सदानि प्रयत्न करला। सुसंनत Ex: What are the best and most worthy of being selected सेँमुष Ex: What makes a person worthy of esteem सोहरां Ex: What makes something worthy to be believed स्वव्याज Ex: Which of the two genres is forgivable, that is worthy of forgiveness
As adjective : अनुरुप Ex: Their only worthy alternative was the religious life. अनुहरत Ex: Manuel was further extolled by Robert of Clari as a "a right worthy man अनुहारि Ex: When the family of Charles ceased to produce worthy heirs अर्ह्य Ex: On the whole, the Exemplary Novels are worthy of the fame of Cervantes उंच Ex: Apostolic zeal, zeal worthy of the time of the Apostles, etc उद्धर Ex: be worthy of the century, Not being foreign to knowledge, ideas, opinions of time in which one lives, follow their progress उपावृत्त Ex: Cruelty worthy cannibals कल्पिक Ex: Getting someone worthy of kindness पारय Ex: It also means Judging commendable find worthy of esteem प्रभूष्णु Ex: It also means Who is worthy of mockery; he said, especially of Things प्राणाय्य Ex: It is a worthy man Faith युक्तरूप Ex: It was worthy of a better fate योग्य Ex: Lord, what hymns are worthy of you? He pointed to an old poem Sort in honor of the gods or heroes उ: ये योग्य चित्रकार और आलोचक भी थे। सजीदा Ex: ROYAL still means Who is worthy of a King सद्दश Ex: The blindness of the mind is also worthy of compassion than the body सलिंग Ex: This is a man worthy of death, Death सुकल्प Ex: This response is worthy of a fool सुखोचित Ex: two kinds Who is worthy of note
Other : कमासुत Ex: From a literary speaking, this book is worthy of no respect काबिल Ex: Having manners worthy काम्य Ex: He also said if an action directed against a sacred person, a contempt of a person worthy of reverence, respects कीमती Ex: He deserves it rises, it draws him altars, He is worthy of the highest honors, the greatest evidence of public recognition उ: मन्दिर की छत में बढ़िया-बढ़िया कीमती झाड़-फानूस लटक रहे हैं। गुणवान पुरुष Ex: He did things worthy of memory, an eternal memory गुणवान Ex: I have the pride to believe I'm not worthy of your esteem उ: वह कॉलेज का एक गुणवान मुक्केबाज है। गुणसम्पन्न Ex: In a pejorative sense and with a touch of irony, it is a package worthy of him गुणी Ex: In honor of his fortune, in making a good and worthy job पूज्य Ex: It also means Who is worthy of a master, speaking of works of the mind, art work उ: फिर मूसा के पूज्य को झाँककर देखूँ। बराबर का Ex: It is not worthy to see the day said of a man who made an infamous action to mean that it is not worthy live बहुमूल्य Ex: It is worthy of the interest that you grant उ: यह काले रंग का पत्थर है तथा यह दुर्लभ व बहुमूल्य होता है। माननीय Ex: It means figuratively declare a person worthy of the pains of hell उ: माननीय कुलपतिजी के सचिवालय प्रमुख विश्वास घिमिरे हैे। योग्य मनुष्य Ex: Judging something worthy of great pity, a great compassion समान Ex: This conduct is worthy of a honest उ: इनका हृदय कवि के समान होता है। हकदार Ex: Who is worthy of Nero उ: सक्रिय भागीदार उद्यम के लाभ का एक हिस्सा करने के हकदार हैं।
Worthy ki paribhasha : sharir ke antargat paaanch vaayuon men se ek vaayu jisaka sthaan naabhi maana gaya hai aadaraniy ya maany vyakti vah kaashtakaar jisaka apani jamin par mauroosi hak hota hai jo lenaden ya vyavahaar men sachcha ho upayog men laaya hua kisi kaam men lagaaye jaane ke upayukt
ExamplesUsage of Worthy in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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