Would be meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Would be
As noun : अप्राप्तलक्ष्य Ex:  It would be better if you book a minicab tonight.
As adjective :
अकृतकार्य Ex:  It would be grossly impertinent to tell her how the job should be done. असफल Ex:  He telephoned his friend to say that he would be late for the function. उ:   उन्होंने सरकार बनाने की असफल कोशिश भी की। दैवी गति Ex:  It would be their last collaboration. भवछित्त Ex:  Kelly would be honored with the Academy Award for Best Actress. भवसिवत्त Ex:  Aubrey in 1962 ordered that there would be fewer specials भविल Ex:  An example would be Blueberry by Jean-Michel Charlier and Jean Giraud. भाभी ‡ Ex:  The House would be presided over not by the Lord Chancellor भावई Ex:  With the Jefferson the Missouri would be the longest river. भाविन्या Ex:  It would be Kubrick's least-appreciated post-Strangelove film भावी Ex:  Stanley Kubrick's final film would be Eyes Wide Shut उ:   यह अत्यन्त सफल रहा और भावी विकास को प्रेरणा दी। भाव्यता Ex:  One example of such use would be Rolling Thunder सुरगति Ex:  Schatz states that he would be ". होने वाला Ex:  Manuel would be remembered in France
Would be ki paribhasha : bhavishy men honevaali vah vaat ya vyaapaar jisaka ghatana nishchit ho
Usage of Would be in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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