Wrestler meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wrestler
As noun : अखड़ैत Ex:  The wrestler thought his honour irredeemable due to defeat.
कुश्तीगीर Ex:  The wrestler has an elephantine body. कुश्तीबाज Ex:  Professional wrestler पहलवान Ex:  He was also a talented local wrestler and skilled with an axe. उ:   जैसे यह पहलवान बहुत बलवान है। मल्ल योद्धा Ex:  The wrestler is fit, in good shape मुश्तजन Ex:  This wrestler has picked up and taken advantage लड़ंतिया
Other : मल्ल Ex:  This singer This wrestler was frantically applauded उ:   पहले विष्णुपुर में मल्ल राजाओं का शासन था।
Wrestler ki paribhasha : ek praachin jaati ka naam pahalavaan tatha diladulavaala
Usage of Wrestler in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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