Wretchedness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wretchedness
As noun : अधहपतन Ex:  the wretchedness for which these prisons became known
अधहपात Ex:  It became angry for wretchedness खानाबरबादी दयनीयता दुर्दशा उ:   यह फिल्म भारत में महिलाओं की दुर्दशा पर आधारित है। फजीहति बिद्दत भाग्यहीनता वैकृतविवर्त शामल
Other : असंभावना Ex:  PITY also means distress, wretchedness कष्ट Ex:  The wretchedness of our condition उ:   इससे मानव जाति के कष्ट कम हो सकते हैं। कार्पण्य कृपणता
Wretchedness ki paribhasha : aisi dasha jise dekhakar dekhanevaale ke man men daya utpann ho
Usage of Wretchedness in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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