Writer meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्षरजीवक Ex:  The writer satirized the politicians proposal
अक्षरजीविक Ex:  The writer is well known for his precis-writings. अह्लेकलम Ex:  Bhavabhuti was a writer of fame. कातिब Ex:  a gifted writer कृतिकार Ex:  The French writer wrote a rabelaisian book. ग्रंथकार Ex:  The writer had the visualisation of the drama उ: इस नाम के कई जैन ग्रंथकार तथा आचार्य हो गए हैं। ग्रंथकृत Ex:  This writer gets off of his topic all the time . ग्रामकायस्थ Ex:  The writer J. R. R. Tolkien was born in the city on January 3 1892 दिविर Ex:  Wagner was an extremely prolific writer निगार Ex:  Charles Perrault was probably the most prolific writer उ: अभिनेत्री निगार खान इनकी बड़ी बहन हैं। निबंधा Ex:  Another notable 20th century writer from St. पंजिकारक Ex:  Eventually, they chose The Burning Secret by Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. प्रयोजक Ex:  The Anglo-Irish writer Jonathan Swift रचनाकार Ex:  Kelpius was a hymn writer and musician. उ: वह एक उच्चकोटि के रचनाकार थे। रचयिता Ex:  The main writer of each episode writes the first draft. उ: न्यायसूत्रों के रचयिता भी गौतम माने जाते हैं। लिखक Ex:  According to long-time writer Jon Vitti लिखने वाला Ex:  The famous French writer लिबिंकर Ex:  Paul Di Filippo is seen as the most prominent biopunk writer लेखक Ex:  Vivaldi started his career as opera writer in undertone: his first opera उ: लेखक को हमेशा फैशनेबिल लेखन से बचना चाहिएं । वोरक Ex:  A modern writer pervasively influenced by the city is Peter Ackroyd शिक्षिताक्षर Ex:  In Swift, the English tradition has its first writer of genius. शिखक Ex:  Hubbard worked as a writer and aviator. सरजनहार Ex:  Based on the representations of his experience overseas and as a writer साक्षर Ex:  Though a writer of symbolic tales उ: उन्हे साक्षर बनाया जाना चाहिए।
Other : ग्रन्थकर्ता Ex:  Trained as a lawyer, Jefferson was a great writer नवीस Ex:  Each writer used his own spelling and grammar. मसिजीवी Ex:  Ömer Seyfettin , a short-story writer मुंशी Ex:  Sam Shepard was initially hired as the writer for this film उ: प्रसिद्ध हिन्दी लेखक मुंशी प्रेमचन्द की कर्मस्थली भी यह शहर रहा है। साहित्यकार Ex:  Mexican writer Octavio Paz उ: ताराशंकर बंधोपाध्याय एक बांग्ला साहित्यकार हैं।
Writer ki paribhasha : likhaapadhi ka kaam ya pratilipi aadi karanevaala jo kisi baat ki aksharon men utaare
ExamplesUsage of Writer in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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