Written meaning in hindi
As noun : रकमी Ex:  Suddenly, the Maya entered written history.
लिखित Ex:  Like its predecessors, Quatermass and the Pit was written by Nigel Kneale. उ: वहाँ एक विशेष बॉक्स के अंदर लिखित कविता। लिपिबद्ध Ex:  Dynastic histories were often written उ: यह लिपिबद्ध बहुत कम और मौखिक अधिक होता है। लेख्यक Ex:  Caravan written in 1932 by Carl Zuckmayer लेख्यकृत Ex:  I Want to Get Off written by Anthony Newley in 1961 विनिस्मृत Ex:  Atso Almila and Ilkka Kuusisto have written successful operas
As verb : उत्कोर्ण Ex:  It is a well written memoire of his stay in the war-ridden region. पौराण Ex:  its written ideographically रकमी Ex:  Suddenly, the Maya entered written history. लिखा हुआ Ex:  Luther had written to Spalatin on November 30 लिपिबद्ध Ex:  Dynastic histories were often written उ: यह लिपिबद्ध बहुत कम और मौखिक अधिक होता है। लेख्यक Ex:  Caravan written in 1932 by Carl Zuckmayer विलिखित Ex:  The first five cantos of Don Juan were written between 1818 and 1820
Other : इबारत Ex:  Wordsworth has written many poems on Westminster abbey. उल्लिखित Ex:  During the election times many slogans are written on the street walls. उ: उल्लिखित नौ प्रकरणों को सुखी दाम्पत्य जीवन की कुञ्जी ही समझना चाहिए। तहरीरी Ex:  His written Hindi is impeccable. भाषाबद्ध Ex:  Ben Kiernan has written in War लिखा Ex:  He has written two autobiographical books, This Life and . उ: तुलसीदासजी ने लिखा है *"भयऊ विकल बड़ वणिक समाजू। विरचित Ex:  Douglas Adams's Starship Titanic written by Terry Jones उ: लाल कवि विरचित छत्रप्रकाश में इसका वर्णन आता है।
ExamplesUsage of Written in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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