Wrongdoing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wrongdoing
As noun : अंधाधुँध Ex:  he denied any wrongdoing
अंधेरखाता Ex:  An investigation cleared me of any wrongdoing . अनट० Ex:  Ayob denied any wrongdoing अनियाउ Ex:  Committing wrongdoing अन्याइ Ex:  He was punished for his wrongdoing अन्याउ Ex:  It refers colloquially wrongdoing अन्याय Ex:  SCANDAL said particularly a fall of opportunity that is given to others by any wrongdoing by any speech corrupting उ:   कलियुग के अन्त में जब शासकों का अन्याय बढ़ जायेगा। अन्याव Ex:  some wrongdoing had been to complain अयाथार्यिक Ex:  The one, the one we judge capable of any wrongdoing कुन्याय गैरइनसाफी दस्तदराजी दुररीत दुराचार उ:   दुर्घटना बीमा, दुराचार की जिम्मेदारी तय करने के लिए। धीगम नाइंसाफी बेइसाफी बेदाद बेनिसाफ रुगदैया
Usage of Wrongdoing in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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