Wrought meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wrought
As verb : का बना हुआ Ex:  The museum has elaborately wrought carvings and inlays in bronze.
गढ़ा Ex:  These chairs are made of wrought iron. उ:   यह एक गढ़ा शब्द औषध विज्ञान और जीनोमिक्स से व्युत्पन्न शब्द है। बनाया हुआ Ex:  It is God who has wrought these miracles बनौटा Ex:  It They particularly said that wrought the Encyclopedia undertaken by Diderot and d'Alembert लाना Ex:  Jesus Christ has wrought our salvation उ:   उन्हें व्यवस्था में लाना होगा। ल्यावना Ex:  Rawhide, one who has not been wrought विनिर्मित Ex:  wrought iron, wrought copper, iron, fashioned copper articles thereof, unlike the iron bars, copper blades उ:   विनिर्मित सामान स्वयं प्रयोग के लिये हो सकते हैं, या बेचने के लिये।
Other : गढा Ex:  The changes wrought by European settlement पिटवालोहा Ex:  The war also wrought subtler changes to Greek society बना Ex:  Seeing the damage he has wrought उ:   ये दो बड़े द्वीपों से बना है।
Wrought ki paribhasha : koi chij uthaakar ya apane saath lekar aana
Usage of Wrought in sentences

The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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