Yarn meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Yarn
As noun : अफसाना Ex:  I think he is spinning a yarn about his bravery.
कथ्था Ex:  unwind a ball of yarn कहाणी Ex:  He makes yarn at home. कहानी कहना Ex:  These traders purchase the yarn thread from others . कहानी Ex:  When yarn was imported it was only of the superior variety . उ:   इनमें से सबसे प्रसिद्ध कहानी है प्रह्लाद की। कहिनी Ex:  Filoche silk, yarn किस्सागांई Ex:  Golfs wool, yarn , silk, etc कुब्र Ex:  He told me yarn needle all his stuff खात्र Ex:  hole of a needle by which the yarn तार Ex:  Moire silk, wool, cotton, yarn उ:   ज़रकोनियम दो तथा तार संयोजकतावाले यौगिक बनाता है। धागा Ex:  Silk Stockings , cotton, wool, yarn उ:   यदि कपड़ा ठीक नहीं पकड़ा गया तो धागा भरने में काफी समय लग जाता है। फिसाना Ex:  This yarn is spun smoothly वदंति, वदंती Ex:  yarn gloves, wool, etc वोढा Ex:  yarn lace Species or silk where there is the Cartisane सरट् Ex:  yarn lace, silk, gold, silver सरत् Ex:  yarn tassels, silk, gold, silver, steel, beads, etc सूचीसूत्र Ex:  étoffe yarn and cotton सूत उ:   इसमें से भी तोड़ने पर सूत निकलता है। सूत्रतंतु स्तुतिपाठक हेमसूत्र
As verb : किस्सा सुनाना Ex:  Flowing without dividing and lengthens into a filament yarn appearance
Other : जटल Ex:  It also means the order in several rounds ; and in that sense it does not say that in speaking of yarn or string, when two or three strands twisted together तागा Ex:  It is said, by analogy, a yarn lace handmade, with the help of a shuttle लड Ex:  White skein of yarn लड़ Ex:  wool, silk, yarn easily fanning सूत्र उ:   सूत्र स्थान में ४६ अध्याय हैं।
Yarn ki paribhasha : rooi, resham aadi ka vah ansh jo takale aadi par batane se lnbi rekha roop men nikalata hai sonaa, chaaandi taaanbaa, loha ityaadi, dhaatuon ka soot thode aksharon ya shabdon men aisa pad ya vachan jo bahut arth prakaashit karata ho
Usage of Yarn in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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