Your meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Your
As noun : आपका Ex:  unbelt your trousers उ:   आपका बचपन खेत-खलिहानों से होकर गुजरा।
ताइरूँ Ex:  Maximize your profits! ताहरा Ex:  bare your breasts तिहारा Ex:  introspection of your life. तिहारो Ex:  Comb your hair. तिहारौ Ex:  Change your toothbrush often. तुभझ Ex:  Undo your neck-tie and relax! तुम्हरा Ex:  Unbuckle your shoes! तुम्हारा Ex:  What is your problem? उ:   तुम्हारा यह प्रश्न लोक कल्याणकारक है। तुरि Ex:  Wipe your hands with the towel. तुसाँदे Ex:  Contain your anger. तेरा Ex:  Submit your quotations for the items required. उ:   अगली फिल्म दिल तेरा दीवाना थी। तैडे़ Ex:  Quote your prices for these cars. तैरय Ex:  Remove these spots from your shirt. तोठाँ Ex:  You smudged your new t-shirt. तोरय Ex:  Stick to your principles तोवालाँ Ex:  Cut your nails regularly. भवंत Ex:  Who is your neighbour? भावत Ex:  conquer your fears
Other : तेरे Ex:  Change your toothbrush often. उ:   तेरे अतिरिक्त अन्य कोई परमात्मा नहीं है।
Your ki paribhasha : madhyam poorush ekavachan ki shashthi ka soochak sarvanaam shabd
Usage of Your in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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