Youthful meaning in hindi
As noun : जवानी का Ex:  He kept a youthful spirit, a youth of uncommon imagination in an old man
As adjective :
अल्पवयस्क Ex:  His youthful frivolity in vices made him unsuccessful. उ: ये दरें अल्पवयस्क तथा वयस्क दोनों के लिए समान हैं। अल्पवया Ex:  concerned parents of youthful offenders अशिशु Ex:  Often called the "Boy Governor" at that time because of his youthful appearance ओसरिया Ex:  Daniel Arasse discusses this painting as a youthful work in Leonardo da Vinci कम उम्र Ex:  A group of small works attributed to the youthful Virgil survive कमउम्र Ex:  Troilus is youthful but not the youngest son of Priam and Hecuba. जवान Ex:  He always youthful spirit, youthful humor, heart young उ: इसके अंदर अखंड अमर जवान ज्योति भी जलती रहती है। जुवान् Ex:  He returned to his youthful wanderings जोअंडा Ex:  It sought the position, it was objected to him being too youthful तरूण Ex:  , Just his wild oats, Making youthful follies, we hope to be only temporary नवयुवा नवशोभ प्राप्तयौवन बालवाह्य युवन्य युवा उ: १९८७ में वे युवा लोकदल के अध्यक्ष बने। युवान, युवानक यौवनस्थ यौवनस्थ रसमाता रसमातृका वयस्थ शर्कुर
Other : अल्पायु Ex:  Her grandfather has a youthful spirit. उ: उन्होंने कहा यह बालक अल्पायु है। किशोर Ex:  Therefore by 1980, there was a very youthful population and a housing crisis. उ: इस काल में किशोर बालकों को कला और कविता में लगाना लाभप्रद होता है। गबरू Ex:  Combined with the apparent youthful appearance of the surface जवाँ Ex:  Having a youthful appearance, Appearing still young, although there is already a certain age तरुण Ex:  Wear nice also said a person familiar primarily a man of a certain age which has the elegance and youthful air and force उ: इस पर तरुण तुर्क दल के नेतृत्व में तुर्को ने पुनः युद्ध छेड़ दिया। ताजा उ: पर्यटक अगर चाहें तो यहां से ताजा शहद और पौधे ले सकते हैं। नवीन उ: यह अपेक्षाकृत नवीन क्षेत्र है। नवेला पुष्ट उ: रूखे मोटे-मोटे बाल, पुष्ट भरा हुआ शरीर। युवासम्बंधी
Youthful ki paribhasha : phal aadi jo dal se tootakar turnt aaya ho jisaki avastha solah se lekar paintis varsh ke andar ho
ExamplesUsage of Youthful in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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