Zealous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Zealous
As adjective : उछाहित Ex:  He is zealous in helping the poor.
उत्साही Ex:  Olive Chancellor, Ransom's cousin and a zealous Boston feminist उ:   कुछ उत्साही एक स्थानीय केबल चैनल 'बीड न्यूज' शुरू कर दिया है। जोशीले Ex:  He found to his company's zealous co तीक्ष्णकर्मा Ex:  He spoke, he behaved like a true patriot, zealous patriot वाजयु Ex:  It is zealous सरगर्म Ex:  It was a zealous zealous Jansenist
Other : गरम Ex:  A zealous servant उ:   वहां पर गरम पानी का भी एक झरना है। गर्म Ex:  A zealous servant of God उ:   हनुमानगढ़ जिला देश के गर्म इलाकों में आता है। जोशीला Ex:  Good citizen, one who is zealous for the interests of his country लौलीन Ex:  I never saw a man most zealous for his friends
Usage of Zealous in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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