Zero meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Zero
As noun : अंतरख Ex:  We watched the venus with a telescope.
Decorate the car with fresh flowers.
His next match is with the Korean player.
The temperatures dropped to below zero and we were numb with cold.
उद्वस Ex:  In eight attempts, Moore blocked zero punches. कुछ नहीं Ex:  Survival rates vary between zero and 80% but typically achieve 50%. खं Ex:  A communicating class is closed if the probability of leaving the class is zero खुक्खल Ex:  More generally, it is the speed of anything having zero rest mass. जीरो Ex:  Temperatures below zero may be experienced from November until March उ:   यहां से जीरो और हपोली शहर के खूबसूरत दृश्य देखे जा सकते हैं। Ex:  Jewish population growth is currently near zero percent ठल्लपु० Ex:  The 6 fps figure corresponds to the delay set to zero तुच्छय Ex:  Some twenty-sided dice of this era were numbered zero through nine twice निवेसना Ex:  Objects with zero mass presumably have zero energy निशाना लगाना Ex:  If the player's entire party is downed by reducing their hit points to zero बठाना ‡ Ex:  Any dividend divided by zero is undefined. बेँदी Ex:  Another true zero was used in tables alongside Roman numerals by 525 बैठाना Ex:  When division produced zero as a remainder बैसाना Ex:   if it is equal to zero the chemical reaction is said to be at equilibrium. लक्ष्य साधना Ex:  ” Duran Duran were getting zero radio airplay at the time लक्ष्यग्रह Ex:  A polynomial is either zero लोकाक्ष Ex:  These terms consist of a constant multiplied by zero or more variables . वइसाना Ex:  One can then show that "every zero gives rise to a linear factor" वशिक Ex:  However, there is another way to write zero which would be 零. विजिह्म Ex:  A one followed by a zero is ten शरसंधान Ex:  If money is abundant in a square, the premium is zero शून्य परिमाण Ex:  It is said mainly thermometer whose scale above zero is divided into one hundred degrees, unlike the Reaumur thermometer whose scale, the same length, is divided in eighty degrees शून्य Ex:  n It has zero accuracy उ:   शून्य प्राप्त होता है। शून्यांक Ex:  Radically zero शून्यांकन करना Ex:  Right of Making zero संघानना Ex:  The thermometer below zero सन्निवेश Ex:  The thermometer dropped to zero, is so many degrees above, below zero सन्यासन Ex:  The thermometer is fifteen degrees above zero सिफर Ex:  The thermometer is thirty degrees, climbed to thirty degrees above zero, is eight degrees, fell to eight degrees au below zero सून्य Ex:  To multiply a sum in figures, we add a zero
As verb : ध्यान केन्द्रित करना Ex:  Divers logged in 20,000 hours under water with zero visibility. निशाना साधना Ex:  In microgravity or zero gravity
Other : बिंदी Ex:  All its derivatives at x = 0 are zero बिंदु Ex:  If the real part of a complex number is zero उ:   प्रक्षेप में नियंत्रण बिंदु अंकित किए जाते हैं। सिफ़र Ex:  The thermometer marks so many degrees above zero, is so many degrees above zero
Zero ki paribhasha : rikta, saadhaaran ya tuchchh vyakti maathe par lagaane ka gol chhota tika khad na rakhakar kuchh vishraam ki sthiti men karana kaan ka ek aabhooshan
Usage of Zero in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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