Meaning of abhighataj in english
Interpreting abhighataj - अभिघातज
As adjective :
traumatic Ex:  I used to go and visit him in London, and that was really traumatic for me".
Suggested : of, pertaining to, or produced by a trauma or wound
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Related words :
Other : अभिघातज अनुभव - trausmatic experience अभिघातज आर्त परिस्थिति - traumatic case situation अभिघातज केस परिस्थिति - traumatic case situation अभिघातज तंत्रिकाताप - traumatic neurosis अभिघातज प्रलाप - traumatic delirium अभिघातज मनस्ताप - traumatic psychosis अभिघातज रोगग्रस्तता - trausmatic illness
can be used as adjective.. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :