Meaning of ada karna in english
Interpreting ada karna - अदा करना
As noun : give Ex:  it is their practice to give annual raises
tender Ex:  Emphasizing the humanity of Jesus and the tender return Ex:  I have to return within a day. discharge Ex:  the discharge of pus pay Ex:  the pay was adequate and the job undemanding
As verb : defray Ex:  He defray travel expenses reimburse Ex:  We will reimburse the travel expenses to her. interpret Ex:  Will ,you interpret the passage for me.
Other : replace Ex:  Nothing can replace a mothers love.
Suggested : to go or come back, as to a former place, position, or state to give or provide the meaning of explain explicate elucidate soft or delicate in substance not hard or tough to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation bestow to make repayment to for expense or loss incurred
Word of the day
Usage of अदा करना:
1. वेरका का पनीर पहले 260 रुपए प्रति किलो की दर से मिलता था, इसके लिए अब 285 रुपए अदा करना होगा, एेसी ही स्थिति दूसरी कंपनी के पनीर की है bhaskar.com2. इसके अलावा दही के दाम को दो रुपए ज्यादा अदा करना होगा bhaskar.com3. इतना ही नही उन्हें अपने पैसों पर ही बैंकों को ब्याज भी अदा करना पड़ रहा है
ada karna
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
adaa karanaa