Meaning of adharmi in english

Interpreting adharmi - अधर्मी
As noun : ungodly Ex:  It means, by extension, who acts as a pagan, ungodly as उ:   राजा अधर्मी और पाप कर्म करने वाला था।
As adjective :
impious Ex:  and in terms of writing, God breathed this impious race and was dried root, He destroyed, exterminated this race उ:   अधर्मी हो जाने के कारण उनकी मति मारी गई थी। treacherous Ex:  The ground is treacherous here. उ:   उसका छोटा भाई वज्रध्वज बड़ा ही क्रूर, अधर्मी तथा अन्यायी था। unfaithful Ex:  an unfaithful lover उ:   वह फ्रांस की क्रांति को अधर्मी और विनाशकारी मानता था।
Other : wrongdoer
Suggested : not faithful false to duty, obligation, or promises faithless disloyal characterized by faithlessness or readiness to betray trust traitorous not accepting God or a particular religious doctrine irreligious atheistic not pious or religious lacking reverence for God, religious practices, etc irreligious ungodly
Exampleअधर्मी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of adharmi Antonyms of adharmi

Word of the day
adharmi can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : adharmii

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