Meaning of adhibhog in english
Interpreting adhibhog - अधिभोग
Other :
occupation Ex:  Sheep shearing is the main occupation of the people in the Garwal region.
Suggested : a person's usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living vocation
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Related words :
Other : अधिभोग अधिकार - occupancy right अधिभोग का - untrasferable right of occopancy अधिभोग त्यागदेना - relinquish occupancy अधिभोग रखना - occupy अधिभोग समय - occupancy time अधिभोगकृत क्षेत्र का सिद्धान्त - doctrine of occupied field अधिभोगाधिकारहीनता - non-occupancy अधिभोगी - occupier अधिभोगी द्वारा सूचना - notice by occupier
. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :