Meaning of alag rakhana in english
Interpreting alag rakhana - अलग रखना
As verb : isolate Ex:  Soybean protein isolate has a Biological Value of 74 appropriate Ex:  Metal acetates can also be prepared from acetic acid and an appropriate base set aside Ex:  Liz set aside her book for a while .
As adverb : aside Ex:  he took me aside for a little heart-to-heart ear marked
Other : to distance Ex:  Ueshiba had already begun to distance himself from Takeda and the Daitō-ryū. to segregate set apart forfend Ex:  we have to think something to forfend her segregate to displace Ex:  Go broken someone, try to displace the to isolate Ex:  Anton Weichselbaum of Vienna became the first to isolate the specific germ sever Ex:  Action sever displace Ex:  Bald Eagles may be displaced by or themselves displace Golden Eagles to sever Ex:  Surgery to sever Action morbid part of the body to deposit Ex:  I want to deposit my savings in a National bank. segregation Ex:  Section 11 segregation law of the Montgomery City code seclude distance Ex:  Ueshiba had already begun to distance himself from Takeda and the Daitō-ryū. deposit Ex:  I want to deposit my savings in a National bank.
Suggested : to keep apart or divide, as by an intervening barrier or space any identifying or distinguishing mark or characteristic suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc on or to one side to or at a short distance apart away from some position or direction to set or place apart detach or separate so as to be alone
Exampleअलग रखना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of alag rakhana Antonyms of alag rakhana
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Usage of अलग रखना:
1. ब्लड से संक्रमण का खतरा, बच्चे को अलग रखना उचित एड्स और दूसरे संक्रमित बच्चों को अलग रखना उचित होता है
alag rakhana
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
alaga rakhanaa