Meaning of angulee ya anguthe kee haddee,anguli ya angoothe ki haddi in english

Interpreting angulee ya anguthe kee haddee,anguli ya angoothe ki haddi - अंगुली या अंगूठे की हड्डी
Other :
phalanx Ex:  I saw a solid phalanx of black commandos.
Suggested : (in ancient Greece) a group of heavily armed infantry formed in ranks and files close and deep, with shields joined and long spears overlapping
Exampleअंगुली या अंगूठे की हड्डी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of angulee ya anguthe kee haddee,anguli ya angoothe ki haddi

Word of the day
angulee ya anguthe kee haddee,anguli ya angoothe ki haddi . No of characters: 25 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : a.ngulii yaa a.nguuThe kii haDDii

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