Meaning of antargrathan in english

Interpreting antargrathan - अन्तर्ग्रथन
As noun : dovetailing
synapse Ex:  The signal across a synapse may be regarded as neurocrine
Suggested : a region where nerve impulses are transmitted and received, encompassing the axon terminal of a neuron that releases neurotransmitters in response to an impulse, an extremely small gap across which the neurotransmitters travel, and the adjacent membrane of an axon, dendrite, or muscle or gland cell with the appropriate receptor molecules for picking up the neurotransmitters
Exampleअन्तर्ग्रथन का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of antargrathan Antonyms of antargrathan

Word of the day
antargrathan can be used as noun.. No of characters: 11 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : antargrathana

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