Meaning of antarnihit in english
Interpreting antarnihit - अन्तर्निहित
As noun : implied Ex:  I seriously think of your assention .
His assertion that the crime was committed during the day is false.
His assertion implied his innocence. उ: उपचार के अंतर्निहित कारणों पर निर्भर करता है।
His assertion that the crime was committed during the day is false.
His assertion implied his innocence. उ: उपचार के अंतर्निहित कारणों पर निर्भर करता है।
As verb :
underlying Ex:  the issue underlying the strike was unionization उ: वस्तु वायदे में, अंतर्निहित परिसंपत्ति एक वस्तु है। ingrained Ex:  The ingrained habits are very difficult to be terminated. उ: अंतर्निहित द्वीप का भूविज्ञान, विलुप्त ज्वालामुखियों में से एक है।
As adjective : implicit Ex:  an implicit agreement not to raise the subject उ: "प्रौद्योगिकी एक अंतर्निहित लोकतंत्रात्मक है। involved Ex:  the dance involved a deliberate exaggeration of his awkwardness उ: आत्महत्या या अवसाद की कोई एकीकृत अंतर्निहित पैथोफिज़ियोलॉजी नहीं है। implicit Ex:  So some idea of a common human nature was implicit in each approach. उ: उपचार, अन्तर्निहित कारणों पर निर्भर करते हैं। inherent Ex:  The idea of an inherent vulnerability in some people उ: इण्डोनेशिया के राजवंश यहाँ अन्तर्निहित होंगे । built in Ex:  A new pool is being built in the stadium. उ: मनुष्य की अन्तर्निहित पूर्णता को अभिव्यक्त करना ही शिक्षा है। inbuilt
Other : underlying Ex:  The problems of modernisation are the underlying concern of several films.
Suggested : lying or situated beneath, as a substratum built so as to be an integral and permanent part of a larger construction existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparable element, quality, or attribute implied, rather than expressly stated
Exampleअन्तर्निहित का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of antarnihit Antonyms of antarnihit
Word of the day
Related words :
Other : अंतर्निहित अभिलक्षण - inherent feature अंतर्निहित आश्वहित - implied warranty अंतर्निहित ऊर्जा - energy content अंतर्निहित कमी - inherent defect अंतर्निहित क़ीमत अवकारक - implicit price deflator अंतर्निहित किराया - implicit rent अंतर्निहित गुण - inherent quality अंतर्निहित चर - latent variable अंतर्निहित दोष - inherent defect अंतर्निहित निर्धारक - underlying determinants अंतर्निहित मूल्य - inherent value अंतर्निहित वर्ण - undertone colours अंतर्निहित वारन्टी - implied warranty अंतर्निहित संरचना - latent structure अंतर्निहित स्थायित्व - inherent stability
can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :