Meaning of aprapy in english
Interpreting aprapy - अप्राप्य
As noun : unattainable उ: संपूर्ण पुस्तक अप्राप्य है।
unavailable Ex:  It means, by extension, make a capital investment makes these unavailable capital उ: जिनके वे संस्करण आज अप्राप्य हैं। unachievable उ: दुच्चिओ द्वारा निर्मित कुछ वेदिकाएँ अप्राप्य हैं। out of print उ: किन्तु अब यह अप्राप्य है। unprocurable उ: यदुविलास नाटक - यह नाटक अप्राप्य है। unobtainable उ: रौहिणीमृगांक प्रकरण - यह नाटक अप्राप्य है।
As adjective : irretrievable उ: वर्तमान में दोनो अप्राप्य हैं।
Other : not extant Ex:  Demosthenes' oration before the Theban people is not extant and उ: कृति अधूरी होने से आगे की कथा अप्राप्य हैं। rare Ex:  He has a huge collection of rare books in his library. उ: इन्होंने गौरलीला पर एक काव्य लिखा था पर वह अप्राप्य है। unrecoverable Ex:  , An unrecoverable उ: उस समय तक त्रागस पांपियस का लिखा साहित्य अप्राप्य था। unrecognised
Suggested : coming or occurring far apart in time unusual uncommon to come into possession of get, acquire, or procure, as through an effort or by a request being no longer published no longer printed or reprinted to bring to a successful end carry through accomplish suitable or ready for use of use or service at hand
Word of the day
Related words :
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :