Meaning of arab in english

Interpreting arab - अरब
As noun : one billion Ex:  EMI, estimated that by 1985 they had sold over one billion records worldwide. उ:   अरब सागर इसकी पश्चिमी-दक्षिणी सीमा बनाता है।
saudi उ:   सिन्ध में अरब घुस आया। arab उ:   यह नाम अरब देश से आया है। billion Ex:  EMI, estimated that by 1985 they had sold over one billion records worldwide. उ:   इनमें से किसी एक सदस्य का अरब होना भी अवश्यक है।
Other : hundred million Ex:  Both countries spent several hundred million dollars on new military equipment. उ:   ये अरब जगत का एक हिस्सा है, इसकी राजधानी है मनामा। arabia उ:   अरब की पहाड़ियाँ यहाँ की मुख्य पर्वतश्रेणी है। myriad उ:   अरब इन इलाकों में छिटपुट रूप से बस भी गए थे। thousand million Ex:  Arithmetic Ten hundred thousand million million, or उ:   अरब सागर पश्चिम में है। arab country उ:   १९६२ - अल्जीरिया अरब लीग का हिस्सा बना। arabian उ:   वे १९९८ से सऊदी अरब में हैं।
Suggested : of or pertaining to Arabia or its inhabitants a cardinal number represented in the US by 1 followed by 9 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 12 zeros a very great or indefinitely great number of persons or things a member of a Semitic people inhabiting Arabia and other countries of the Middle East a native or inhabitant of Saudi Arabia
Exampleअरब का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of arab

Word of the day
arab can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including vowels consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : araba

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