Meaning of as in english

Interpreting as - अस्
As noun : similar Ex:  Snap! your bag is similar to mine. उ:   ;हिय हिंडोल अस डोलै मोरा।
equivalent Ex:  The English equivalent for the word would be "Hungarian". उ:   ;मुहमद सती सराहिये ,जरै जो अस पिउ लागि। parallel Ex:  This datum can then be used in parallel with checking the full tag. उ:   निशि दिन रहें कर्त्तव्य रल, अस शक्ति हमनें कीजियें। same Ex:  Both friends belong to the same category in service. even Ex:  These injustices embittered her even more common Ex:  population growth is a common problem these days. like Ex:  I like the curry made of beans. coterie Ex:  It employs little more than figuratively and familiarly with the direction of Bringing in a party, in a coterie undisputed Ex:  Facts undisputed
As adjective : akin Ex:  Concepts akin to a robot can be found as long ago as the 4th century BC equal Ex:  he match was scoredraw because both the teams get equal points. similar Ex:  Snap! your bag is similar to mine. उ:   ;हिय हिंडोल अस डोलै मोरा। fifty fifty close Ex:  I close this letter with best remembrances to you and your parents.
As adverb : such Ex:  Some consonants such as `p, `t, and `k are voiceless. उ:   कल्याण होये विश्व का, अस ज्ञान हमको दीजिये। so Ex:  How can she be so dense? उ:   ;जिनि अस जीव करसि तू बारी।
Suggested : to disorder or dishevel neatly or conveniently arranged well-organized
Exampleअस् का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of as

Word of the day
as and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : as

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