Meaning of asambhav in english

Interpreting asambhav - असम्भव
As noun : no go उ:   उस राजा ने जब ऐसा सुना तो कहा कि यह असम्भव है।
As adjective :
unlikely Ex:  Though it is unlikely that she had plotted with the rebels उ:   कमोबेश असम्भव हो जायेगा। impossible Ex:  However, it is fundamentally impossible to localize that energy. उ:   इसलिए उनका वर्गीकरण असम्भव है।
Other : improbable उ:   जो बिना पूर्ण गुरु के असम्भव है। impractical Ex:  However in most cases this uses an impractical quantity of propellant उ:   उस समय हिन्दी में उच्च शिक्षा देना एक असम्भव बात समझी जाती थी। romantic Ex:  Their signature sound was sentimental and romantic उ:   शेडेड क्षेत्र उन ध्वनियों के लिये हैं जो असम्भव मानी जाती हैं। quixotic उ:   उस स्थिति में सरकार को हिन्दुस्तान में शासन करना असम्भव हो जायेगा।
Suggested : (sometimes initial capital letter) resembling or befitting Don Quixote of, pertaining to, or of the nature of romance characteristic or suggestive of the world of romance not practical or useful not possible unable to be, exist, happen, etc not likely to be or occur improbable marked by doubt
Exampleअसम्भव का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of asambhav Antonyms of asambhav

Word of the day
asambhav can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : asambhava

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