Meaning of ashant in english

Interpreting ashant - अशान्त
As noun : tumultuous Ex:  Fitzgerald’s friendship with Hemingway was tumultuous उ:   मनोविक्षिप्ति अशांत मानसिक रोगों में गिनी गई है।
disruptive Ex:  There was disorder in this meeting and we had to expel disruptive उ:   वह निराश और अशांत थी कि कृष्ण से अभी तक कोई खबर नहीं आई। rough Ex:  Mark 6:3 A mayster is one who does rough carpentry
As verb : disturbed Ex:  He's disturbed the peace and discomforted the powerful". उ:   इस गैसीय ग्रह के अशांत वातावरण में इस तरह के तूफ़ान होना आम बात है। disturbing Ex:  It has a loud and disturbing screech-like growl उ:   अशांत और पटलीय बहाव दोनों स्विंग में योगदान देते हैं। troubled Ex:  Davis was troubled by osteoarthritis perturbed Ex:  He reared back in his chair and looked perturbed . unsettled
As adjective : turbulent Ex:  After a turbulent period of axiomatization उ:   इमें उनका शासन प्रायः अशांत रहा। riotous Ex:  The riotous mobs made unquiet afloat Ex:  be afloat said of a ship, boat, etc nervous Ex:  she was palpably nervous agitated Ex:  The early telemetry indicated that Laika was agitated but eating her food. उ:   लगातार अशान्त रहने के कारण अग्रेजों ने इसे गाजीपुर से अलग कर दिया। restless Ex:  A restless activity उ:   आज भी उन वीरों की अशान्त आत्मा उनके वंशजों के सिर पर आ जाती है। rough Ex:  It's just a rough cut. uncool
Other : restless Ex:  A feverish eloquence An ardent and restless eloquence perturbed Ex:  She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill not at peace agitated Ex:  It agitated for autonomy in the 1960s unrest Ex:  they are spreading unrest troublous unappeased uncomposed randy Ex:  He is a randy fellow. disturbed Ex:  These views greatly disturbed Darwin tumultuary afloat Ex:  Building Basin, Water architecture Work for construction and repair of ships and also to receive them afloat
Suggested : not settled not fixed or stable without established order unorganized disorganized having a coarse or uneven surface, as from projections, irregularities, or breaks not smooth to disturb or disquiet greatly in mind agitate characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest to move or force into violent, irregular action
Exampleअशान्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ashant Antonyms of ashant

Word of the day
ashant can be used as verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : ashaanta

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