Meaning of astar in english
Interpreting astar - अस्तर
As noun : facing Ex:  It is no laughing matter that our country is facing an economic crisis. उ: सस्ते ऊर्णाजिन अस्तर के लिए भी काम आते हैं।
lining Ex:  The bays tend to be oval, lining up in a northwest to southeast orientation. उ: गैस्ट्रिक अल्सर पाचन तंत्र के अस्तर पर घावों को कहा जाता है। bush Ex:  A few blossoms were cut from the bush . उ: ऐसी दशा में डिस्टेंपर करने से पहले अस्तर लगाना पड़ता है। line Ex:  give me the gen on your new line of computers उ: डिस्टेंपर बनानेवाली कंपनियाँ ही उपयुक्त अस्तर भी बनाती हैं। liner Ex:  Pynchon also wrote the liner notes for Nobody's Cool उ: अन्य बुनकर पक्षी अन्दर से केवल फ़र्श पर अस्तर लगाते हैं।
Other : petticoat Ex:  It means, in terms of modes, a petticoat Sort trimmed whale hoops, which supports and extends the skirts and the women dress right and left, or Flying placed on the hips, above skirt उ: जूतों में भी इनका अस्तर दिया जाता है, जिसमें पैर गरम हरें। coat (of paint lining of a garment Ex:  He also said the Edging that forms the lining of a garment lining (of a garment coating Ex:  If this coating is thick enough plaster inner coating of colour or varnish base (in painting tympan plaster Ex:  there were cracks in the plaster
Suggested : a ship or airplane operated by a transportation or conveyance company a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc, on a surface a low plant with many branches that arise from or near the ground something that is used to line another thing a layer of material on the inner side or surface of something a covering in front, for ornament, protection, etc, as an outer layer of stone on a brick wall
Exampleअस्तर का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of astar Antonyms of astar
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : अस्तर चड़्ना - line अस्तर चढाना - prime
As verb : अस्तर लगाना - line
As adjective : अस्तर निकाला हुआ - unlined अस्तर लगा हुआ - lined
Other : अस्तर का कपडा - scrim अस्तर काग़ज़ - tympan paper अस्तर चढ़ाना - prime अस्तर छड़ - tympan bar अस्तर देना - lining अस्तर देने का कपडा - scrim अस्तर देने का महीन कपडा - silesia अस्तर पृष्ठ - lining page अस्तर विवर्ध - lay tongue अस्तर शिकंजा - tympan clamp
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of more than one word originated from Sanskrit and/or Persian language .
Transliteration :