Meaning of avarnaniy in english
Interpreting avarnaniy - अवर्णनीय
As noun : indefinable Ex:  I do not know what or as noun, A whatever the whatever is said of a quality or an indefinable feeling उ: इनकी महिमा अवर्णनीय है।
unspeakable Ex:  Saint Paul, was transported to the third heaven and saw things unspeakable
As verb : sublime Ex:  A sublime trait, touch उ: उनका ब्रह्मतेज अवर्णनीय था।
As adjective : indescribable उ: पर अन्य जगह बुद्ध ने सर्वोच्च सत्य को अवर्णनीय कहा है। inexpressible ineffable Ex:  The ineffable greatness of God
Suggested : not speakable that may not be spoken incapable of being expressed or described in words inexpressible not expressible incapable of being uttered or described in words elevated or lofty in thought, language , etc not definable not readily identified, described, analyzed, or determined
Word of the day
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can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras.
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