Meaning of avarudhd karna in english

Interpreting avarudhd karna - अवरूध्द करना
As noun : block Ex:  Our farm went on the block last week .
interrupt Ex:  This prevents new calls, and does not interrupt old calls that remain working.
Suggested : to cause or make a break in the continuity or uniformity of (a course, process, condition, etc) a solid mass of wood, stone, etc, usually with one or more flat or approximately flat faces
Exampleअवरूध्द करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of avarudhd karna Antonyms of avarudhd karna

Word of the day
avarudhd karna can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : avaruudhda karanaa

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