Meaning of aviram in english
Interpreting aviram - अविराम
As noun : incessant Ex:  1941, thereby initiating four straight years of incessant total war. उ: ऊर्ध्वाधर भभके अविराम किस्म के भी होते हैं।
diligence Ex:  His diligence won him quick promotions.
As adjective : non stop उ: इस अविराम दौरे की वजह से बैंड पर काफी दबाव पड़ रहा था।
Other : without a pause उ: संयंन्न ऐसा बना रहता है कि कोक बनाने का काम अविराम कम से चलता रहे। non-stop Ex:  I took a non-stop flight to London. उ: इस विधि में काच बड़े अविराम कुंडों में द्रवित किया जाता है। continuous Ex:  Latin music continued to exert a continuous influence on rock उ: केरुयक उनके अविराम लेखनप्रणली के लिये जाने जाते हैं। nonstop Ex:  Goldman traveled around the country nonstop
Suggested : constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken persistent exertion of body or mind uninterrupted in time without cessation being without a single stop en route
Exampleअविराम का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of aviram Antonyms of aviram
Word of the day
Usage of अविराम:
1. अविराम वैभव के हमारे त्योहार LiveHindustanRelated words :As adjective : अविरामी - continuing
Other : अविराम एवं सविराम तंत्र - continuous and intermittent system अविराम प्रवाह - continuous flow अविराम बिल बनाना - continuous billing अविराम युद्ध - continuous warfare अविराम वर्षा - continuous rain अविराम संचलन - continuous movement अविरामी अभ्यर्थी - continuing candidate अविरामी गाड़ी - run through train अविरामी सदस्य - continuing member अविरामी सुखाधिकार - continuous easement अविरामी सुविधाधिकार - continuous easement अविरामी स्टेशन - non-stop station
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun, Verb and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :