Meaning of (अंटीबाज) anteebaja in english
As noun : scoundrelly
cunning Ex:  A cunning person should be kept away rascally shifty Ex:  Be forthright, be loyal, honest, never use aspen shifty roguish scheming Ex:  Deceitful advertising
She was a deceitful scheming little thing wide boy conniving slick Ex:  Please slick down your hair . blackguardly knave Ex:  It is said, by a sort of irony, it is a famous scoundrel, a knave pleasant shark Ex:  the shark is a large fish cunning Ex:  A cunning person should be kept away clever Ex:  infernally clever cute Ex:  A cute little babe is sleeping in the crib deep Ex:  A submarine can dive down very deep . sharp Ex:  She got very sharp razor for section cuttings. designing Ex:  She is expert in designing menswear. quick Ex:  Basketball required quick swipes.
She was a deceitful scheming little thing wide boy conniving slick Ex:  Please slick down your hair . blackguardly knave Ex:  It is said, by a sort of irony, it is a famous scoundrel, a knave pleasant shark Ex:  the shark is a large fish cunning Ex:  A cunning person should be kept away clever Ex:  infernally clever cute Ex:  A cute little babe is sleeping in the crib deep Ex:  A submarine can dive down very deep . sharp Ex:  She got very sharp razor for section cuttings. designing Ex:  She is expert in designing menswear. quick Ex:  Basketball required quick swipes.
As verb : crooked Ex:  The servant crooked Rs. 200, from my bag.
When he was about to fix a deal with the party,she crooked it away from him. calculating Ex:  The teacher taught calculating quotient in division.
When he was about to fix a deal with the party,she crooked it away from him. calculating Ex:  The teacher taught calculating quotient in division.
As adjective : shrewd Ex:  Manthra was a shrewd lady. devious Ex:  He made money by devious means. sly Ex:  She was stealing little bits of money on the sly . astute Ex:  The astute man gave the idea. calculative volatile Ex:  He is a volatile person artful Ex:  He played an artful trick on her. wily Ex:  The wily fox persuaded the deer to jump into the well . guileful tricksy Ex:  It was a play of tricksy presentation. crafty Ex:  He devised a crafty manoeuvre to outwit the police. tricky Ex:  She is a tricky person to deal with. foxy Ex:  He is quite a foxy guy. manipulative canny Ex:  He is quite a canny fellow. foxy Ex:  He is quite a foxy guy. tricky Ex:  She is a tricky person to deal with. artful Ex:  He played an artful trick on her.
Suggested : cunning or wily departing from the most direct way circuitous indirect skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner, as in deceiving craftiness guile having the character of a scoundrel unscrupulous villainous astute or sharp in practical matters
Word of the day
(अंटीबाज) anteebaja
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Hindi and/or Persian language .
Transliteration :