Meaning of (अंतधनि) antadhani in english

As noun : classified Ex:  I brought a classified catalogue of library books.
blind Ex:  golf is one of his blind spots and hes proud of it sneaky Ex:  Driving sneaky secret Ex:  the combination to the safe was a secret inside Ex:  She wore a dark corset inside a light gown. undisclosed Ex:  Dion's contract was extended into 2007 for an undisclosed sum. hole and corner arcane Ex:  Operation arcane covert Ex:  The army should keep track of covert actions by the forign espionage agencies. closet Ex:  I'll clean out my closet tonight . undetected Ex:  Hepatites B disease remained undetected for several years. sneaking Ex:  Couture made sneaking hugger mugger sneak Ex:  Don't ever sneak up on me like that again . occult Ex:  Mercury and Venus occult each other every few centuries unrevealed backstage Ex:  Language backstage subterraneous private Ex:  a very private man, totally undesirous of public office close Ex:  he grudgingly agreed to have a drink in a hotel close by secrecy Ex:  They did their work behind a veil of secrecy privy Ex:  He is a member of the privy council. hush hush key Ex:  The whole article had to be typed in small letters because the shift key was not working. disembodied Ex:  We had built this company in such a regiment, it was disembodied unseeable
As verb : hidden Ex:  Fire bombs are sometimes used in war to take out the enemy hidden in bunkers.
As adjective : ulterior Ex:  The ultras had an ulterior motive behind abductions. surreptitious Ex:  Sentence surreptitious cryptic Ex:  The new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms
Mysterious symbols
furtive Ex:  A furtive glance inner Ex:  Towns-womens guild works in an inner circle. clandestine Ex:  It is recorded that the calendar was adopted at a clandestine cloak and dagger subterranean Ex:  Geology He said the plots were produced by the action of subterranean fire dark Ex:  he was in the dark concerning their intentions undercover Ex:  An undercover commando squad from the French intelligence agency SDECE invisible Ex:  Security holes are often invisible until they are exploited
As adverb : underground Ex:  Floods can cause damage to underground cables.
Suggested : mysterious in meaning puzzling ambiguous unable to see lacking the sense of sight sightless arranged or distributed in classes or according to class obtained, done, made, etc, by stealth secret or unauthorized clandestine being beyond what is seen or avowed intentionally kept concealed
Exampleअंतधनि का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अंतधनि) antadhani can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : a.ntadhani

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