Meaning of (अंतित) antita in english
As noun : exceedingly Ex: fear is exceedingly infectious; children catch it from their elders
far Ex: His report was far fetched. extreme Ex: orders have recently picked up after a period of extreme softness
As adjective : exorbitant Ex: Last year onion was sold in exorbitant prices. ultra Ex: Bagbo military attack on the pro-military is not ultra vires
As adverb : quite Ex: The exhibition was quite decent. deadly Ex: Deadly poisons
The seven deadly sins precious Ex: there is precious little time left greatly Ex: Bose was greatly involved in the freedom movement frightfully Ex: The shop is frightfully expensive.
I am frightfully sorry, but I cant see you today. very Ex: mango gardens are very soothing in summer.
The seven deadly sins precious Ex: there is precious little time left greatly Ex: Bose was greatly involved in the freedom movement frightfully Ex: The shop is frightfully expensive.
I am frightfully sorry, but I cant see you today. very Ex: mango gardens are very soothing in summer.
Suggested : going beyond what is usual or ordinary excessive extreme of high price or great value very valuable or costly causing or tending to cause death fatal lethal at or to a great distance a long way off at or to a remote point completely, wholly, or entirely
Word of the day
(अंतित) antita
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals .
Transliteration :