Meaning of (अंधाधुँध) andhadhuँdha in english

As noun : million Ex:  the laboratory runs on a budget of a million a year
billion Ex:  it has one billion population zillion obscene Ex:  The photograph was obscene and unprintable. thoughtlessness Ex:  C is a proud carelessness, thoughtlessness a proud tyranny Ex:  It was a tyranny for the Jews in the hands of Nazis. injustice Ex:  We should not do injustice to anyone.. iniquity Ex:  A den of iniquity inequity Ex:  The inequity has caused ongoing racial friction that still exists. wrongdoing Ex:  he denied any wrongdoing wrong Ex:  he feels that you are in the wrong unfairness Ex:  The obvious unfairness of a shutdown awry Ex:  something has gone awry in our plans amiss Ex:  if you think him guilty you judge amiss confusion Ex:  the army retreated in confusion dust Ex:  There is a fleck of dust on your coat. upset Ex:  an editors deletions frequently upset young authors iffy Ex:  dates of result is in iffy state right now. wrong Ex:  he feels that you are in the wrong haywire Ex:  An administration that goes haywire stink Ex:  Tom created a stink about Bob's remarks . mess Ex:  A notification was sent to all the students to clear the mess bill misconductn
As adjective : outrageous Ex:  his behavior was an outrageous flaunt
Suggested : offensive to morality or decency indecent depraved an extremely large, indeterminate number of the nature of or involving gross injury or wrong a cardinal number represented in the US by 1 followed by 9 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 12 zeros a cardinal number, a thousand times one thousand
Exampleअंधाधुँध का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अंधाधुँध) andhadhuँdha can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Feminine gender composed of more than one word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : a.ndhaadhuँdha

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