Meaning of (अकखड़पन) akakhadpana in english
As noun : vulgarity Ex: There is vulgarity in his speech
lip Ex: The lip of the saucer. faux pas rudeness Ex: His rudeness was most regrettable. ungraciousness incivility Ex: Act of incivility gaucherie gaffe Ex: He made a gaffe by marrying against social norms. indelicacy crudity Ex: The crudity of her language offended him discourtesy Ex: N'êtes- not shocked by his rudeness? This response is a gross discourtesy solecism Ex: Students shouldnt do any type of solecism with their teachers. unmannerliness crudeness Ex: the whole town was famous for its crudeness boorishness Ex: It was, he said a boorishness rowdyism rowdiness uncouthness roughness Ex: men associate the roughness of nonstandard working-class speech with masculinity barbarity Ex: Recently I read a book on the barbarity of Nazis in concentration camps. intensity Ex: he adjusted the intensity of the sound aggressiveness Ex: Although aggressiveness can still present severity Ex: Despite the severity of symptoms during an asthmatic episode truculence ferociousness turbulence Ex: the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence ferocity Ex: The war was fought with great ferocity by both sides. truculency virulency virulence Ex: The cagA gene codes for one of the major H. pylori virulence proteins. turbulency raucousness violence Ex: The portrayal of sex and violence in televisions should be banned. contentiousness quarrelsomeness belligerence pugnacity fearlessness Ex: His fearlessness was awesome. brass Ex: The doors have brass handles. candor Ex: We were all impressed by your candor . explicitness Ex: Restoration comedy is famous for its sexual explicitness candour frankness Ex: A brutal frankness downrightness straightforwardness Ex: what some people take for rudeness is really straightforwardness forthrightness Ex: You surprised me by your forthrightness . accuracy Ex: he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass candour
As adjective : boorish Ex: She behaves in a boorish manner, in front of every body. genuineness
Suggested : the quality or condition of being uncivil discourteous behavior or treatment discourteous ill-mannered discourteous or impolite, especially in a deliberate way either of the two fleshy parts or folds forming the margins of the mouth and functioning in speech the state or quality of being vulgar
Exampleअकखड़पन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(अकखड़पन) akakhadpana
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Hindi language .
Transliteration :