Meaning of (अकलखुरा) akalakhura in english
As noun : selfish Ex: The book portrays the actor as a selfish person
self interested base Ex: the transmutation of base metals into gold proved to be impossible put upon Ex: Jane feels put upon by her live-in mother-in-law . grabby pig Ex: In 1857,Indian soldiers were forced to use cartridges made of pig fat. ravening Ex: A ravening panther was found roaming here and there. grasping Ex: A show grasping bluff Ex: He is known for his bluff behavior . stiff Ex: a lucky stiff dry Ex: Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter curt Ex: She gave a curt reply sharp Ex: The driver negotiatced the sharp turns adroitly. rough hewn chilly Ex: She is rather chilly to her guests. sour Ex: Every one like sweet and sour toffees. spiteful Ex: The men in the crowd are presented as resentful and spiteful vindictive Ex: He is very vindictive ill disposed green Ex: the ball rolled across the green and into the bunker
As verb : off Ex: He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot
As adjective : cynical Ex: Although Poles were much more cynical than they had been in 1956 utilitarian Ex: He is smart but utilitarian in nature. greedy Ex: He is a greedy man. voracious Ex: He seems to be a voracious reader avaricious Ex: Female avaricious covetous Ex: being covetous of wealth, of property of another prehensile Ex: a monkeys prehensile tail rapacious Ex: He is a rapacious person. abrupt Ex: He has an abrupt style of writing. gruff Ex: A man gruff laconic Ex: The laconic response of a severe Ex: She wore a severe suit of plain grey with a white blouse. coarse Ex: They need freedom from coarse unprincipled calumny terse Ex: It was a terse judgement. bloodless Ex: An insipit and bloodless young man standoffish Ex: A standoffish mannerism is always"Adj","ered. rude Ex: He insulted her with his rude remarks. icy Ex: The icy wind chilled me up to the marrow. rough Ex: I feel pretty rough due to over burden. frosty Ex: Her answer was crisp and clear.
crisp clear nights and frosty mornings brusque Ex: Character of a brusque person or Quality which is abrupt jealous Ex: I am never jealous of others success. envious Ex: Ram is not as envious as Mohan .
She was envious of her friends popularity.
crisp clear nights and frosty mornings brusque Ex: Character of a brusque person or Quality which is abrupt jealous Ex: I am never jealous of others success. envious Ex: Ram is not as envious as Mohan .
She was envious of her friends popularity.
Suggested : the bottom support of anything that on which a thing stands or rests regard for one's own interest or advantage, especially with disregard for others pertaining to or consisting in utility devoted to or caring only for oneself concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc, regardless of others distrusting or disparaging the motives of others like or characteristic of a cynic
Exampleअकलखुरा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(अकलखुरा) akalakhura
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word originated from Hindi and/or Persian language .
Transliteration :