Meaning of (अगण्य) aganya in english

As noun : objective Ex:  being uninvolved he remained objective
ordinary Ex:  Technical expressions that are most incomprehensible to the ordinary man. generic Ex:  The generic term for oranges,lemons is citrus fruits. general Ex:  the general had had a distinguished career average Ex:  The life of an average Indian is qualitatively better now. common Ex:  Transience is not common in some elements in that state. normal Ex:  he is otherwise normal simple Ex:  He was so simple that his friends slowly fleeced him of his inheritance. stock Ex:  The investor really cleaned up when the stock market went up common or garden rank and file routine Ex:  I recieved the routine letter from him and pocketed it without reading. back bench standard Ex:  There are many novelettes of low standard available in the market. universal Ex:  some form of religion seems to be a human universal overall Ex:  His overall writing is remarkably inclusive and his characters diverse. small Ex:  it was a small house with almost no yard abstract Ex:  He has an abstract notion to change the nation. zillion countless Ex:  He is still the idol for countless teenagers. million Ex:  He upped his offer to 1 million dollars. billion Ex:  In round figures the population of India has crossed one billion mark. myriad Ex:  he faced a myriad of details unnumerable unnumbered multitudinous unnumberable numberless legion Ex:  The legion was now divided into ten cohorts of 480 men each
As adjective : usual Ex:  the newly elected congressmen rejected a compromise because they considered it `business as usual useless Ex:  For Camus, the rationale behind Christian doctrine is useless all around Ex:  He is an expert in blowing smoke-rings.
In inteligence dept. some people have made spy-ring.
In circus spectators sit all around out side the circus-ring.
Please put the kettle on the ring.
all round superficial Ex:  Superman is a superficial man. innumerable Ex:  Abraham will be blessed with innumerable progeny. uncountable Ex:  Since their union is uncountable accountable Ex:  Im accountable to the Personnel Manager of the organisation. uncounted incalculable Ex:  Rama is a person of incalculable moods.
As adverb : normally Ex:  He normally has fevered negotiations with the employees unions.
Other : incomputable
Suggested : a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean of or pertaining to all persons or things belonging to a group or category of, applicable to, or referring to all the members of a genus , class, group, or kind general of no special quality or interest commonplace unexceptional something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish purpose goal target
Exampleअगण्य का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अगण्य) aganya can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : agaNya

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