Meaning of (अग्निदूषित) agnidooshita in english

As noun : burnt Ex:  They burned the house and his diaries
The sun burned his face
She was burning with anger
Burn garbage
Witches were burned in Salem
He has money to burn
Burn off calories through vigorous exercise
The iron burnt a hole in my dress
As verb :
up Ex:  the team chalked up another victory, the last one quite undeservedly, in my opinion
As adjective : ablaze Ex:  coals ablaze
Suggested : to, toward, or in a more elevated position a simple past tense and past participle of burn burning on fire
Exampleअग्निदूषित का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अग्निदूषित) agnidooshita can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : agniduuShita

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