Meaning of (अठान०) athana० in english

As noun : inadequate Ex:  As Chris Prouty describes:They had inadequate maps
bad Ex:  It wasnt as bad as I had prefigured unworthy of Ex:  From such subtleties are unworthy of him undeserving of unfitted ineligible Ex:  "I Could Fall in Love," while ineligible for the Hot 100 at the time despite Ex:  She remains unconvinced despite being pursuaded. animosity Ex:  I dont have any animosity towards anyone. feud Ex:  The feud in their family has been going on for a long time. hostility Ex:  her unconcealed hostility poisoned the atmosphere enmity Ex:  The enmity of the two gods was explained by Veles' theft of Perun's cattle inflammation Ex:  the medicine soothes the pain of the inflammation feuding Ex:  Neighbouring landlords are always feuding over property. unfriendliness protest Ex:  Humdinger protest of people against president Hosni Mubarak made him to resign. revolt Ex:  The leader impassioned his people to revolt against the industrialist. resistance Ex:  he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens objection Ex:  What is your objection to my suggestion? protestation antagonism Ex:  He has inherent antagonism of capitalism. contrast Ex:  in contrast to remonstrance Ex:  She repeated her remonstrance in 1850 but to no avail. opposition Ex:  The opposition party hurled abuses on the ruling party. repulsion Ex:  She feels repulsion for him. strife Ex:  Jonas' society has eliminated pain and strife by converting to "Sameness" counter Ex:  Lets buy some new ones from the perfumery counter of the departmental store. dispute Ex:  The dispute was settled without acrimony. quarrel Ex:  she was the instigator of their quarrel argument Ex:  unconvincing argument words Ex:  Few words of consolation animated the widows life. bickering Ex:  Children keep bickering all the time. fight Ex:  his version of the fight was different from mine unpleasantness Ex:  the recent unpleasantness of the weather complaint Ex:  Vikram filed a complaint against the accused persons in the Court. scrap Ex:  Why the scrap of paper is spreading over here? run in Ex:  The derby will run in spite of his ill health.
The ferries dont run on sundays.
In Calcutta trams run on rails
The lease of her house has only a year to run.
P.C.Sarkars magic show ran for six months only.
wrangle Ex:  I see no need to wrangle over Dolly . tiff Ex:  The man had a tiff in the pub.
The manager had a tiff with the clerk.
trouble Ex:  I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances difference Ex:  It doesn't make any difference to me . dustup crash Ex:  they are trying to determine the cause of the crash free for all Ex:  Education is free for all Nicaraguans. brush Ex:  I need to brush up my Sanskrit before I start chanting shlokas. word Ex:  A word may connote various meanings. affair Ex:  Their love affair was proceeding smoothly but the father of the girl came as a fly in the ointment.
As adjective : inept Ex:  These staffs were often filled by poorly-trained and inept men incompetent Ex:  A minor is incompetent to manage his property, to dispose of his fortune unworthy Ex:  An unworthy attachment unable Ex:  we were unable to get satisfaction from the local store effete unqualified Ex:  It also means Employing unqualified undeserving unfit Ex:  A young man unfit for military service incapable Ex:  Luther's contention that the human will was incapable of following good inefficient Ex:  He is inefficient and must be replaced. unmerited
Suggested : not good in any manner or degree not worthy lacking worth or excellence not competent lacking qualification or ability incapable without skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment maladroit not adequate or sufficient inept or unsuitable
Exampleअठान० का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अठान०) athana० can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of more than one word . Transliteration : aThaana०

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