Meaning of (अतिग्रह) atigraha in english

As noun : pertinent Ex:  The teacher asked the students to ask pertinent questions.
apposite Ex:  Do not deviate from the apposite topic of discussion .
In this context it would be quite apposite to say that our policy is up to
the mark .
fitting Ex:  with all the appurtenances fitting thereto due Ex:  The battery got spoilt due to overcharge worthy Ex:  There was nothing worthy of remark in the puppet show. befitting Ex:  color, hairstyle, beneficial finery, Who befitting ideal Ex:  M.K. Gandhi is an ideal for many Indians. ready made worthwhile Ex:  It is worthwhile to put the amount in the bank . man sized man size clear Ex:  You must refer to thesaurus to clear your doubts. pat Ex:  The soft pit a pat of rainfall on tin sheet make an admiring noise.
As verb : fitted Ex:  a fitted overcoat befit
As adjective : relevant Ex:  Please have all the relevant documents ready for passport. suitable Ex:  This place is suitable for massive plantation. opportune Ex:  an opportune place to make camp appropriate Ex:  The definition of a skilled writer is his ability for the appropriate words. convenient Ex:  It is convenient to carry the baby in a baby-carriage. seemly Ex:  It is seemly for young people to respect old age, not to be too eager to talk apt Ex:  Sharp students are always very apt at learning quickly. fit Ex:  He is fit though he is an octogenerian. decent Ex:  All poor should be provided with decent food and shelter. concinnous likely Ex:  A likely consequency. capable Ex:  Capable of winning
A passage capable of misinterpretation
No one believed her capable of murder
Suggested : fitting or becoming with respect to propriety or good taste decent decorous suitable or agreeable to the needs or purpose well-suited with respect to facility or ease in use favorable, easy, or comfortable for use owed at present having reached the date for payment suitable or appropriate proper or becoming suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc
Exampleअतिग्रह का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अतिग्रह) atigraha can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : atigraha

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