Meaning of (अतें) ateं in english

As noun : keen Ex:  I'm not too keen on going to Denver .
supreme Ex:  He holds the supreme position in the society. ultimate Ex:  The ultimate source of all these terms is Late Latin catus extreme Ex:  We have to go to the extreme edge of town to find him. much ,more absolute Ex:  The scene of that movie was an absolute shocker. utmost Ex:  Pauling's contribution to science is held by many in the utmost regard. staggeringly a whole lot of searingly a great deal of Ex:  Vancouver merchants sold a great deal of equipment to prospectors. uttermost tremendously Ex:  Progress has been tremendously slowed down ever since ever so more and more Ex:  Marxism became a more and more popular theoretical approach in the discipline. to a fault ever such a immoderate Ex:  It is also used colloquially in the direction of immoderate Entertainment tall Ex:  The mountain side was covered with tall trees. crying Ex:  Loud crying cracked her voice. to the full shatteringly cordial Ex:  India has maintained cordial relationships with most nations. super abundant beyond measure fantastic Ex:  Although the Mothers of Invention had fantastic success in Europe and England infernally white hot ever such
As verb : consummate Ex:  as an actor he was a consummate craftsman sublime Ex:  The heroines are all of most perfect beauty and of sublime morality overwhelming Ex:  The overwhelming majority of Gibraltarians strongly oppose this
As adjective : steep Ex:  To reach the temple you will have to negotiate a very steep flight of stairs. extravagant Ex:  Matatus were easily distinguishable by their extravagant paint schemes. acute Ex:  Edsger Dijkstra has stated this proposition about acute all fired strong Ex:  their children were never very strong on obedience over much inordinate Ex:  It has an inordinate desire to see you intense Ex:  its was a brief and intense courtship most Ex:  Pauling's contribution to science is held by many in the utmost regard.
As adverb : extremely Ex:  His work showed a great delicacy.
The delicacy of her features made her extremely attractive.
deadly Ex:  This deadly barrage forced the French out so Ex:  must you be so indefinite? piercingly pretty Ex:  Her sister is a pretty colleen. sublimely atrociously cordially Ex:  Talking proceed cordially highly Ex:  a highly motivated child can learn almost anything
Suggested : to bring to a state of perfection fulfill of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average last furthest or farthest ending a process or series highest in rank or authority paramount sovereign chief finely sharpened, as an edge so shaped as to cut or pierce substances readily
Exampleअतें का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अतें) ateं can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi . Transliteration : ateं

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