Meaning of (अदर्शनोय) adarshanoya in english

As noun : ill Ex:  Pretending to be ill was her artifice.
evil Ex:  exorcise evil spirits dead Ex:  Ablutions of dead bodies are performed before the funeral. baddy wrong Ex:  Just because I was wrong she expects to see me in sackcloth and ashes. dark Ex:  The dark recesses of a cave is scarey. plain Ex:  This sum is as plain as a pikestaff. rude Ex:  He got annoyed with her rude behaviour.
I dont like rude jokes.
The news that she has lost her father came as a rude shock.
tacky abominable Ex:  I hate her abominable behaviour. blue Ex:  The flowers of delphinium are blue in colour. sick Ex:  I took sick leave as I was suffering from Malaria. indecent Ex:  The Victorians denounced the comedy as too indecent for the stage ungraceful graceless Ex:  It is graceless poor Ex:  We must not marginalize the poor in our society unpicturesque dowdy Ex:  Davis played a dowdy English teacher coarse Ex:  He uses coarse language while speaking to youngsters.
As verb : stinking Ex:  Dead bodies were rotting stinking air
As adjective : nasty Ex:  Max pasted a nasty blow on Lefty's chin . bad Ex:  He became annoyed when he heard the bad news unpleasant Ex:  He relegates unpleasant tasks to his assistant. fearful Ex:  / What immortal hand or eye / Could frame thy fearful symmetry? ugly Ex:  He thinks that armadillos are ugly gruesome Ex:  A gruesome murder was committed in Chandni Chowk area. awful Ex:  her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate gross Ex:  his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return awkward Ex:  an awkward dancer ugly Ex:  He thinks that armadillos are ugly painful Ex:  The painful part of this procedure is over . atrocious Ex:  In atrocious manner unwieldy Ex:  We set about towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter ungainly Ex:  He keeps an ungainly hairstyle. heavy handed Ex:  Security became increasingly heavy handed angular Ex:  Though he looks like an angular but from heart he is a nice man. dreadful Ex:  Who at His second coming will judge every nation at the dreadful Judgment. unsightly Ex:  She has an unsightly scar on her face. ponderous Ex:  The ponderous bell-tower was constructed mostly in the 17th century. ham fisted bilious Ex:  A person bilious unspeakable Ex:  unspeakable pain shapeless Ex:  Vishnu is the ultimate omnipresent reality, is shapeless and omnipresent. uncouth Ex:  He is an uncouth man. wooden Ex:  the meat is unhygienically processed on wooden tables rugged Ex:  It was a rugged road going up the mountains. terrible Ex:  The terrible vision brooded over her all day long
As adverb : terribly Ex:  She wept for her puppy when it was terribly sick .
Suggested : no longer living deprived of life morally wrong or bad immoral wicked of unsound physical or mental health unwell sick not good in any manner or degree physically filthy disgustingly unclean
Exampleअदर्शनोय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अदर्शनोय) adarshanoya can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : adarshanoya

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