Meaning of (अनखौहा०) anakhauha० in english
As noun : wroth
wrathful wrothful wrong Ex:  The people depose political parties with wrong motives. a bit thick inequitable not cricket criminal Ex:  The criminal was put in the jail. illegitimate Ex:  Although William was the father of ten illegitimate children by his mistress unhappy Ex:  the unhappy memories of her childhood receded as she grew older out of order out of the way Ex:  Please keep your children out of the way . off key base Ex:  I base my opinion on many, many facts . bad Ex:  He couldnt get himself out of the entanglement of bad company. ill Ex:  She fell ill suddenly. evil Ex:  We can't blink at what evil you did . dead Ex:  The dead mans stomach was bloated baddy dark Ex:  It is pitch dark out side, we cant be able to search for the thief.
As verb : stinking Ex:  Hunting Traps to take the stinking beasts
As adjective : furious Ex:  The teacher made a furious statement at the student. unreasonable Ex:  He had formed an unreasonable project, I have entertained unlawful Ex:  Otherwise, it would be unlawful to use them for food. unwarranted unjustified Ex:  An unjustified measure unequal Ex:  China was forced to sign unequal treaties improper Ex:  They later found that the jamming was because of improper care and cleaning. unworthy Ex:  An unworthy held unjust Ex:  Several countries denounced apartheid as unjust and racist . impolitic Ex:  This impolitic extent alienated all minds shitty Ex:  , It's a shitty stick, no one knows where to take it, says a Human difficult character, everything irritates, which takes everything amiss abusive Ex:  motherfucker is abusive word. unseemly Ex:  It is a word escaped her unseemly inadvisable uncool indecent Ex:  Absolutely and colloquially, make proposals to a person, He make proposals indecent ungodly Ex:  to an ungodly hour uncalled for unsuitable Ex:  1788. This site was soon found to be unsuitable for habitation wrongful incorrect Ex:  Sally X'd the incorrect information out . unfair Ex:  used unfair methods shabby Ex:  The area still remains a shabby area, though it is better than it was before. undue Ex:  It means absolutely anyone who tries to argue, to give undue importance nasty Ex:  A nasty case A case that can cause embarrassment, dangers bad Ex:  He couldnt get himself out of the entanglement of bad company. unpleasant Ex:  I loathe to take that road to my house because of very unpleasant stench at a particular point. fearful Ex:  Although it was declined by distributors fearful of prosecution
Suggested : not lawful contrary to law illegal not reasonable or rational acting at variance with or contrary to reason not guided by reason or sound judgment irrational very angry ireful full of wrath full of fury , violent passion, or rage extremely angry enraged angry wrathful (usually used predicatively)
Word of the day
(अनखौहा०) anakhauha०
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word .
Transliteration :