Meaning of (अनगन०) anagana० in english

As noun : very Ex:  The decoder was very fast.
extreme Ex:  In his final years he suffered from extreme sensitivity to light generous Ex:  Jane is very generous . rattling Ex:  The backgammon words, gurgling, cuckoo, rattling are formed by onomatopoeia all Ex:  We cleaned out all the drawers terribly Ex:  It is terribly angry against you bad Ex:  Snaffle your bad habbits plenty Ex:  I have piled up some books for your use.
Pile plenty of coat on the fire.
quite a few Ex:  The 2005 movie also added quite a few collectibles score Ex:  At the close of first innings the score was 158 for 2 wickets. a hell of a a fat lot awfully Ex:  That new supervisor is awfully strict . damn Ex:  Cash was unrepentant: "I don't care about your damn yellow buzzards". well Ex:  it worked exceptionally well dead Ex:  The dead body has become smelly now. number Ex:  an unlisted telephone number pile Ex:  Thick fog has caused several pile ups on the motor way. a good deal Ex:  Goethe wrote a good deal but he threw away nearly all of these works a good deal of more Ex:  As he drank more wine, his articulation became worse. a great deal Ex:  Baroque music employs a great deal of ornamentation a helluva great Ex:  He portrayed Alexander the great in the play. packet Ex:  This packet of soup serves two. way Ex:  The way she described showed the inauthenticity of the matter.
As verb : dirty Ex:  The teacher scolded the student for wearing a dirty shirt.
As adjective : uncounted numberless enormous Ex:  Cars travel at an enormous speed on speedway." several Ex:  In a war, several soldiers are maimed. considerable Ex:  A considerable quantity of manpower is required to do this work. abundant Ex:  For example, taurine is scarce in plants but abundant in meats. big Ex:  He has a big flash house. exquisite Ex:  Having an exquisite tact much Ex:  he talked incoherently when he drank too much multiple Ex:  36 is a multiple of 9 most Ex:  in the 5th century BC ancient Athens was the worlds most powerful and civilized city
As adverb : too Ex:  instant replay caused too long a delay far Ex:  Strong crosswinds blew her umbrella far away. mighty Ex:  Then David establishes a mighty empire pretty Ex:  i think ramesh was pretty baked last night.
Suggested : at or to a great distance a long way off at or to a remote point in addition also furthermore moreover greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc huge immense innumerable countless myriad not counted
Exampleअनगन० का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अनगन०) anagana० can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including vowels consonants. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word . Transliteration : anagana०

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