Meaning of (अनचीन्हा०) anacheenha० in english
As noun : unknown Ex:  However, illegal poaching is not unknown in these no-take zones.
stranger Ex:  The girl has no inhibitions about seeing the irksome stranger . unfamiliar with unacquainted with vague Ex:  She heard a vague rumour that he is going abroad.
Most of the articles of the magazines are based on rumours and gossips. new Ex:  She heaped reproaches upon her new servent. unexplored Ex:  Siberia remained a mostly unexplored and uninhabited area. unknowing
Most of the articles of the magazines are based on rumours and gossips. new Ex:  She heaped reproaches upon her new servent. unexplored Ex:  Siberia remained a mostly unexplored and uninhabited area. unknowing
As verb : obscure Ex:  Yet even he was obscure
As adjective : unacquainted unfamiliar Ex:  Browse an unfamiliar area that has just discovered to know the situation, extent, manners, etc uncharted unconversant new Ex:  She heaped reproaches upon her new servent. strange Ex:  It sounds pretty strange . nameless Ex:  Originally she was created as a nameless unrevealed undiscovered unidentified Ex:  Most of the cattle were destroyed this year through an unidentified sickness. undisclosed
As adverb : incognito Ex:  Stopping someone incognito
Suggested : familiar by use or study (usually followed by with ) not familiar not acquainted with or conversant about having personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc informed (usually followed by with ) a person with whom one has had no personal acquaintance not known not within the range of one's knowledge, experience, or understanding strange unfamiliar
Word of the day
(अनचीन्हा०) anacheenha०
can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word .
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