Meaning of (अनचैन०) anachaina० in english

As noun : malaise Ex:  There are signs of a creeping malaise in our office.
uncomfortableness fear Ex:  Due to fear of lion cattle stampeded towards the village. skittishness restiveness out of place Ex:  That kind of behavior is out of place at a party . unease Ex:  The prospect of death causes unease or fear for most humans. uneasiness Ex:  , Set the alarm to the neighborhood, give alarm to the neighborhood, which gives some new Debit uneasiness to those interested in it consternation Ex:  2005 to the worldwide consternation of his peers. discomfiture Ex:  He told me his discomfiture disquietude Ex:  The ego loves to grab and cling but finds only disquietude and disappointment that way. disconcertment self consciousness disconcertion labyrinth Ex:  An intricate labyrinth discomposure discomfort Ex:  While he occasionally shows discomfort
As adjective : uneasy Ex:  Farmers were uneasy untill rain finally came
Suggested : impatient of control , restraint, or delay, as persons restless uneasy apt to start or shy a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc, whether the threat is real or imagined the feeling or condition of being afraid Synonyms causing discomfort or distress painful irritating a condition of general bodily weakness or discomfort, often marking the onset of a disease
Exampleअनचैन० का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अनचैन०) anachaina० can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender composed of more than one word . Transliteration : anachaina०

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