Meaning of (अनभायौ) anabhayau in english

As noun : offensive Ex:  The Zulu typically took the offensive
god forsaken undesirable Ex:  The cultures also provide flavour and aroma, and inhibit undesirable organisms. contretemps
As adjective : obnoxious Ex:  I suspect in this case an obnoxious horse trading untoward Ex:  Affliction, moral state of depression caused by any untoward event unpleasant Ex:  Besides being unpleasant to drink and not authentic absinthe ungrateful Ex:  Banish ungrateful of her memory disagreeable Ex:  This visit, this news was very disagreeable to him unpalatable Ex:  He also said, colloquially, a mediocre wine, unpalatable gritty uncomfortable Ex:  However, many grunge bands were uncomfortable with this popularity. nasty Ex:  A nasty piece and ironically a good play, a hidden person, mischievous, who takes pleasure in gossiping odious Ex:  Deception low and odious diabolical Ex:  Both genders Who holds of Satan, who is diabolical
Suggested : contrary to one's taste or liking unpleasant offensive repugnant unappreciative not displaying gratitude not giving due return or recompense for benefits conferred unfavorable or unfortunate causing resentful displeasure highly irritating, angering, or annoying highly objectionable or offensive odious
Exampleअनभायौ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अनभायौ) anabhayau can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : anabhaayau

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